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Mpi Jets
Mexico, USA & Canada
Private Flights - Business, Air Taxi, Cargo, Vacational, Photography
Interests: Our business philosophy is to provide a qualified personal aircrafts services, with exclusivity at a vast worldwide network of business travel affiliates. faithful and trustworthy, mpi jets does it.
Recent Activity
By Lori Ranson, Flight Global Beginning on 5 April the US FAA says it will consider a special issuance of a medical certificate for pilots taking medication for mild to moderate depression. Currently those conditions now bar affected individuals from all flying duties. The agency says that pilots taking one of four medications - Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa or Lexapro - would be allowed to fly if they have been satisfactorily treated for the condition for at least 12 months. FAA also says it will not take civil enforcement action against pilots that take advantage of a six-month opportunity to share... Continue reading
Posted Apr 5, 2010 at Mpi Jets's blog
Nueva Aeronave disponible en el Bajio / New Aircraft available at Guanajuato Mexico - Cessna 206 Check it out at the pic, or watch more of our aircrafts at our online catalog at: Continue reading
Posted Jan 26, 2010 at Mpi Jets's blog
MPI Jets is glad to share with you the experience lived by one of our curtomers. MPI Jets tiene el gusto de compartirte la experiencia vivida por uno de nuestor usuarios. Continue reading
Posted Jan 13, 2010 at Mpi Jets's blog
MPI Helicópteros México Nos unimos a la pena que embarga a la familia Saba, Casal y Fernández por el sensible fallecimiento de nuestros amigos: Moisés Saba y Armando Fernández Acaecidos el 10 de enero del presente en el estado de México. Estamos con Ustedes Continue reading
Posted Jan 12, 2010 at Mpi Jets's blog
------ In today's world, achieving your client to listen you is getting even more difficult. Deciding whether an advertising media is, or not the ideal for your campaign is always a taught decision to make. - Mpi jets is now working with some companies to create specific Ad campaigns, using our aircrafts. From giant flags (60 x 40 mts) flying around a city, to an helicopter all dressed up with the brand, and even descending sport icons into the stadium in the helicopter previously mentioned: All efforts to maintain your brand's leadership and your customers attention. - And even though... Continue reading
Posted Jan 10, 2010 at Mpi Jets's blog
Why fly in private aircraft? MPI gives you great advantages over the competition and substitutes for this service: •Private aircrafts can land in ten times more airports than commercial planes. •An average commercial plane is 25 years old, whereas our aircrafts are of recent production. •Private aircrafts are reserved and can easily adjust to your schedule. Avoid 3-hour waits per flight (flight connections, check-in, and baggage claims). Continue reading
Posted Jan 10, 2010 at Mpi Jets's blog
¿Por qué viajar en aeronave privada? MPI te ofrece grandes ventajas que mejorará tu forma de viajar: • En avión privado puedes aterrizar en 10 veces más aeropuertos que los comerciales. •Los aviones comerciales en promedio tienen 25 años de antigüedad, mientras que nuestras aeronaves privadas son de fabricación reciente •La aeronave privada está reservada y ajustada a su horario.Evitando esperar 3 horas por vuelo entre seguridad, conexiones, check in, o entrega de equipaje. Continue reading
Posted Jan 10, 2010 at Mpi Jets's blog
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Mpi Jets is now following George Kelly
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