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Hi Cole,
With you all the way on frustrations with multiple locations and versionitis - hate to see direction move towards Sharepoint. Not sure if you have read this article:
I have been using Google Sites since spring and was initially taken aback with its bleak-looking templates and quirky interface. Improvements were encouraging during the summer, enough for me to work on some class projects and explore GS as an e-portfolio tool, although journaling and commenting are limited.
Did not know about the new templates until I read your post and will be asking our site admin to enable them tomorrow. Looking forward to your feedback on the Wiki template!
Joe Fahs
Google Sites. Really Interesting Stuff
My job is to think about how technology impacts teaching and learning and then actually do something about it. I have to manage people, teams, and keep track of all of the details associated with the 50 or so projects currently going on. Trust me, I'm not complaining, I really enjoy doing what...
Mpondu is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 18, 2009
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