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Maggie Rauch
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First, as 'Net-addicted as I am, I entirely disagree that buyers can do all their research online. (unless, of course, they spend a lot of time at Incentive and Potentials' Web sites) There is a definite value to seeing the industry first-hand, under one roof. But I think these shows could still be doing more to increase the value of the shows to end-users and exhibitors. The shows that are thriving in the current business environment are ones like IMEX. IMEX, as a relatively young show, is unhampered by the old ways of thinking about trade shows and instead has introduced programs that appeal to exhibitors and attendees alike. A solid hosted buyer program, an online system for setting up appointments prior to the show, and a Wild Card program that allows a few emerging destinations to exhibit at the show for free, are examples of ways that IMEX has adapted to the business environment. The challenges that trade shows face are not new-- I was writing about them five years ago at Meeting News, and certainly they go further back than that. But for some reason, some shows have been faster to adapt and remain relevant than have others.
This may be off-topic , but I wonder what it will do to duty-free sales., especially if the no-liqquid rule sticks in the longterm.
Toggle Commented Aug 11, 2006 on Here We Go Again at The Daily Perk