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Listener Greg G.
Recent Activity
Hey, Ruth, that's great to know about your dad's being the steel player on that record. There are 3 45s in the post, though, which of them did he play on? Regardless, glad you enjoyed hearing it.
Billy Beer Drinkin' Fan (MP3s)
Rick Pilgreen - Billy Beer Drinkin' Fan (2:03) Keith Reedy - Drinking Billy's Beer (2:34) Bill Gibbs - Beer Drinkin' Billy (2:00) Sure, Billy Carter was a bit of a raffish lout and a perpetual embarrassment to his brother, President Jimmy Carter, but he sure did liven up t...
" the most addictive music video I've seen in years, maybe ever..."
> would someone at WFMU please turn down the knob on the exaggeration control re-fobulator?
Fair enough, perhaps I did get a little carried away. That was probably the egregious overstatement I made all day yesterday....maybe ever.
Li'l Cap'n Travis - Natural Fool
Without a doubt, Natural Fool by Li'l Cap'n Travis of Austin, Texas is the most addictive music video I've seen in years, maybe ever. The song's alluring melody is fortified by irresistible vocal harmonies, a swirling organ and the perfect combination of country and psychedelic pop influen...
Hey, Terry. Thanks a lot for the kind words. Great to hear from you.
Please Pass The "Please Pass The Biscuits" Records (MP3s)
Here are five versions of Please Pass The Biscuits, the timeless story of one hungry kid's desperate attempt to snag some nourishment. From my perspective, the definitive version is the one recorded by Andre Williams for the Fortune label in Detroit in 1958, the year after the origina...
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