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Mrs C
St Albans
Interests: knitting, reading, sewing, baking, living
Recent Activity
Merry Christmas to the whole family Amanda x
in celebration all the errands are done and deliveries made and moving trips complete. And we are all so very ready to dive on into the walks in the woods, visits around the tree, sharing, baking, hosting, and merry making. Our Solstice celebrations began this morning and with any luck, we ho...
Mrs C is now following Rattling On
Sep 15, 2013
What a beautiful story!
Beating the Bounds ~ Mo's Return
A truly lovely thing happened the other day, so unexpected for all concerned that there were tears and I am so pleased I can make it fit Beating the Bounds. It was about 11am and we were all out in the garden. I was pottering, Bookhound was mowing, and the Tinker was tickling his tomatoes with...
Works starts on the St Peters Street Premier Inn
Now that planning permission has gone through work has well and truely started on the new Premier Inn that is being built at the north end of St Peters Street in St Albans city centre. Last week, before full hoardings went up, there was the slightly strange sight of being... Continue reading
Posted Jul 31, 2013 at Everything St Albans
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