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Donna C
Recent Activity
Hey Paris! I am signing in to win!!!! By the way, I think you and Doug make an awesome couple! It's so nice to see you both so happy and in love! You two will make gorgeous babies together! So when is the wedding??? You two are like Barbie and Ken! Maybe you should market a Paris and Doug doll set! Congrats on finding LOVE!! Donna
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Poor poor Marc, I really feel sorry for you. You need to realize that Paris will never be yours, you are wasting your precious time on a dream that will never come true. Why not find a nice everyday normal girl. Forget these superstars, they are in another world. Find someone on or something. Find a nice normal girl!!
@ParisHilton I even had hot dreams about you all...
@ParisHilton I even had hot dreams about you all night! Come on this is silly. It is me who is the soul mate!! Love xo Marc :) = 2
I thought you dumped Paris the other night Marc
@ParisHilton Im very happy you still love me! Good...
@ParisHilton Im very happy you still love me! Good night angel and sweet liquid dreams! Love forever xo Marc :)
Donna C is now following Marc Harris
Jan 21, 2010
Donna C is now following Paris Hilton
Jan 21, 2010
Donna C is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 21, 2010
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