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i think i shall suggest laurie penny as a topic for next weekend. i shall have to reread her book. amongst other things. oh, keep an eye on my reading list this week. i've been putting some hours into that. will update asap.
oh, i'd like it if you'd consider a chat with me and WBB. not SST, just us. maybe over skype, then suitably edited.
Famous But Incompetent Versus Apple/ Trump versus the Vatican/Countering Trolls: A Case Study From The Adult Industry
The title of this one looks like I am going to talk about wildly disjointed subjects, but I am not. The theme that runs through it is that a lot of people get fascinated by headlines and, either forgetting or not knowing history, then go on to think that said headlines actually mean something. ...
and none of that making them a general shit. they start wherever their service record says they do. we can't have congressional dickheads leading young men and women into battle w/o the requisite skill set. i've seen to many ossifers who couldn't find their ass with a flashlight and a platoon's worth of help.
My Thoughts On The Draft/Conscription/National Service
Continuing from my previous entry on Wooly Bumblebee and Mikenna MacLachlan's latest stream I want to follow up on something discussed first by Mr. Wooly and then by the participants as a whole. That something is called the Draft in America, National Service in Britain and Conscription in Cana...
Mr_WoolyBee is now following Karza Von Karnstein
Feb 12, 2016
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Feb 8, 2016
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