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Maria Shively
Recent Activity
Bots -- like the kind which automate IRC rooms and Google Wave -- are a good thing to know about. There are plenty of useful bots worth knowing about, too, including the Google Talk Guru. Just add [email protected] to your GTalk buddies, and you can start firing off questions. Lifehacker... Continue reading
Posted Aug 14, 2012 at Maria Shively's blog
With Windows 8 milestone 3 now up for grabs for select Microsoft Connect partners, it's inevitable that leaked bits and pieces will start popping up around the Web. In fact, the first "official" wallpaper image from the still-brewing OS is already making the rounds. As you can see, it's got... Continue reading
Posted Aug 14, 2012 at Maria Shively's blog
Google+ is now letting some users pick their own vanity URLs. More » Source: Adobe Systems Advanced Semiconductor Engineering Alliance Data Systems Alltel Amazoncom America Movil Amkor Technology Continue reading
Posted Aug 14, 2012 at Maria Shively's blog
Just in case you missed out on some of the Android news today, now is the time to go ahead and get yourself fully caught up. Here on the blogs and in the Android Central Forums there is plenty to talk about. Have some questions? Need some help or just... Continue reading
Posted Aug 14, 2012 at Maria Shively's blog
The Pentagon first started to dream up the CH-47 Chinook in the 1950s. That's dinosaur time—but the dual-rotor bird still has some completely insane powers by today's standards. More » Source: Ems Technologies Emc Electronics For Imaging Electronic Data Systems Electronic Arts Eclipsys Eastman Kodak Co Continue reading
Posted Aug 14, 2012 at Maria Shively's blog
GE and Urban Green Energy might not be the first to install a wind-powered EV charging station, but the two may be the best prepared to take the concept to a grander scale. The partnership just installed the first Sanya Skypump just outside of Barcelona to serve corporate and government... Continue reading
Posted Aug 14, 2012 at Maria Shively's blog
Sand Trap is one of those games that at first seem too hard to bother with, but when you try to stop playing it you discover you're hooked. The goal is to get as much sand as you possibly can out of the maze and into the bucket at the... Continue reading
Posted Aug 14, 2012 at Maria Shively's blog
Okay, see that snaking line coming in from the right on the screenshot? That's you. And see those large round circles? Those are supposedly grapefruits, only they won't sit still - they keep moving up and down and cutting across your path. And if you touch one, you die! That's... Continue reading
Posted Aug 14, 2012 at Maria Shively's blog
Fire Ants, those scorching stinging insects, have a strange attraction to technology but no one really knows why. From tearing up wires and creating short circuits, fire ants just love to destroy technology. Watch them in action in this video from BBC Earth. More » Source: Shaw Communications Mcafee... Continue reading
Posted Aug 14, 2012 at Maria Shively's blog
If you don’t love yo-yos, then you have no business here. Seriously, what’s more fun that a yo-yo? If you said nothing, you’re close… Actually the Mighty Flea Yo-Yo from the YoYoFactory might be the most fun you can have with a string and a spool shaped steel thingy. It’sÂ... Continue reading
Posted Aug 14, 2012 at Maria Shively's blog
Twenty native speakers of Yucatec, Mexico's most widely spoken Mayan tongue, met last Thursday to help bring the language to Google, Mozilla and Wikimedia projects. The event, dubbed Mozilla Translathon 2012, was organized to provide translations for Firefox, Google's Endangered Languages Project, the WikiMedia software that powers Wikipedia and 500... Continue reading
Posted Aug 13, 2012 at Maria Shively's blog
Woz forwarded this great picture from his friend Ron Schnell over the weekend: a parking slot permanently reserved for a restaurant's FourSquare mayor! The details, according to Ron: More » Source: Nvidia Nuance Communications Novellus Systems Novell Network Appliance Netgear Ncr Continue reading
Posted Aug 13, 2012 at Maria Shively's blog
For many of us, part of the fun of having an Android phone is yanking off the intended software and putting a community-built custom build into the ROM. Sometimes, it's almost necessary to fix a few "broken" things the OEM is dragging their feet on (hello, T-Mobile G2X!), but more... Continue reading
Posted Aug 13, 2012 at Maria Shively's blog
What is hard-drive clutter, and why is it bad? When people think of things that take up space in their hard drive, usually they think of the files they've made, including documents, pictures and media. They may also think of the programs they use to run those files. While you... Continue reading
Posted Aug 13, 2012 at Maria Shively's blog
The Droid 4's update to Android 4.0 has been in the making for long enough that we'd started to wonder if someone in the QA department had a grudge against keyboards. Verizon just proved that there's still plenty of QWERTY love to go around by posting a document, and starting... Continue reading
Posted Aug 13, 2012 at Maria Shively's blog
Google, in an interesting but not entirely unexpected twist, will not be open-sourcing Android 3.0 Honeycomb for the foreseeable future. Historically, Android is usually open-sourced via the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) a few days or weeks after the code is finalized. While this departure from the norm won't affect... Continue reading
Posted Aug 13, 2012 at Maria Shively's blog
Neuroshima Hex is a board game with a particularly unique sci-fi setting full of story, cyborgs, and strategy. It’s been on Android for a few months, but just recently enjoyed a much-needed stability update. The far future war game pits the scrappy armies of mankind against several factions, ranging from... Continue reading
Posted Aug 13, 2012 at Maria Shively's blog
We've already seen how you can tear things apart and use some fancy wiring to install a Nexus 7 into the dash of a Dodge Ram, but some of us aren't interested in something that permanent. Also, some of us can't get permission from the wife, but that's another story.... Continue reading
Posted Aug 13, 2012 at Maria Shively's blog
Yes, that's right, I said adorable. Because Cueboy Quest really is! You play an 8-bit cowboy whose goal on each level is to get to the door (and thus to the next level), but the door is often locked. To get it to open, you must shoot at one or... Continue reading
Posted Aug 13, 2012 at Maria Shively's blog
Sand Trap is one of those games that at first seem too hard to bother with, but when you try to stop playing it you discover you're hooked. The goal is to get as much sand as you possibly can out of the maze and into the bucket at the... Continue reading
Posted Aug 13, 2012 at Maria Shively's blog
Regulars here at The Gadgeteer know that I tend to blather on and on about how much I love the camera built into the iPhone 4S. It’s one of the main reasons why I continue to flutter back to the iPhone after taking brief vacations using other handsets. I guess... Continue reading
Posted Aug 13, 2012 at Maria Shively's blog
The latest incarnation of the XFCE desktop proves once again that when you delve into the wonders of the Linux OS, something old definitely becomes something new again. The Linux Mint 13 team has released a specially flavored distro built around the latest version of the XFCE interface. Source: Continue reading
Posted Aug 13, 2012 at Maria Shively's blog
Not all mobile news is destined for the front page, but if you're like us and really want to know what's going on, then you've come to the right place. This past week, Sprint began testing its LTE network in Boston and we've come across a QWERTY slider from LG... Continue reading
Posted Aug 12, 2012 at Maria Shively's blog
There is a new natural-language, speech-based virtual assistant in town: Nuance on Monday introduced Nina to rival Apple's Siri. Nina can be used by smartphone application developers -- or any other type of user who would like to deploy the technology's mix of speech recognition, text-to-speech and voice biometric technology,... Continue reading
Posted Aug 12, 2012 at Maria Shively's blog
Google is implementing a new policy that will smack down search results from sites that get a lot of DMCA requests. That must affect Google's own YouTube, which must get slammed with them all the time, right? Not exactly. More » Source: Syntel Syntaxbrillian Synopsys Synnex Symantec Sykes Enterprises... Continue reading
Posted Aug 12, 2012 at Maria Shively's blog