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julianna smith
Recent Activity
A Knitting Thank You
My sister taught me to knit last year and I haven't tried it again since. Unlike her, I'm not exactly a natural in the sewing arts, nor am I as patient. I've been thinking about my little knitting basket, though, and wondering if I should give it another go. So... Continue reading
Posted Oct 7, 2014 at Julianna Smith Illustration
Lost in the Woods
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Posted Oct 2, 2014 at Julianna Smith Illustration
I love the berry-colored linen with the pale pink embroidery. Lovely :)
manuka/tea tree
There's one sweet manuka plant in our garden, and I used it as inspiration to embroider these stems on some dark berry-coloured linen. The plant gets pretty bashed around in the wind, but it seems quite hardy, thankfully. I've always loved manuka trees- we used to have a big one by the front...
Quiet October Morning
Extra blankets. Peppermint tea. Dew on the trees. Butternut squash. Painting, drawing, thinking. Birds singing. Clock ticking. Heater humming. A gentle stirring. October. Continue reading
Posted Oct 1, 2014 at Julianna Smith Illustration
Dark and Spidery Garden
It seems that the garden came and went this summer without a trace. Before I knew it things were already dying, going to seed, and covered in spider webs. Sort of pretty in its own right, I guess. This little painting was inspired by my now dark and spidery garden. Continue reading
Posted Sep 26, 2014 at Julianna Smith Illustration
Welcome, Autumn
Well, hello, Autumn. It's sort of nice to see you again. It has been quite some time. It's true, I'm a summer girl through and through but aesthetically speaking, you're my favorite season. I love your unapologetic earthiness and your muted color palette. I love your quiet, soft spokenness and... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2014 at Julianna Smith Illustration
Printable Recipe Cards
New printable recipe cards in the shop. Continue reading
Posted Sep 22, 2014 at Julianna Smith Illustration
Painting in Miniature
A few weeks ago it occurred to me that with all of the painting I've done over the years, I've never painted anything for Michael. Ever. That just didn't seem right. He, on the other hand, has made lots of art for me over the years and is tremendously talented... Continue reading
Posted Sep 18, 2014 at Julianna Smith Illustration
An Unexpected Pattern
I sat down to draw these spider mums for the millionth time in two days and ended up painting the tablecloth instead. That's just the way it goes sometimes. Continue reading
Posted Sep 16, 2014 at Julianna Smith Illustration
Harvest Moon
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Posted Sep 12, 2014 at Julianna Smith Illustration
Printable Birthday Gift Tags
New printable gift tags available in the shop. Continue reading
Posted Sep 12, 2014 at Julianna Smith Illustration
Sweet Basket of Thanks
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Posted Sep 11, 2014 at Julianna Smith Illustration
Little Apple Sketch
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Posted Sep 10, 2014 at Julianna Smith Illustration
Chalkboard Monogram
What is it about monograms? I’ve always had a soft spot for them. Must do the whole alphabet some day. Soon. Continue reading
Posted Sep 10, 2014 at Julianna Smith Illustration
Yellow, Love
A little bowl of sunshine on my counter. Continue reading
Posted Sep 8, 2014 at Julianna Smith Illustration
A Birthday and a New Blog
Two weeks ago I had no intention of starting a new blog. I was more certain that I wouldn't be blogging at all than I was about starting something new. But some little light turned on and suddenly I was inspired. So last week I started a new blog. Maybe it's because I turn 40 today. Maybe it's because I'm not the same person I was a year ago. Maybe it's because I'm not the same person I was even a few months ago. And when I came back to this space after being gone so long, I realized I... Continue reading
Posted Jul 18, 2012 at Under the Tulip Tree
Hello Again
How in the world did that happen? I turned around and the next thing I knew it was July. But I wanted to stop in and say "hi" and tell you that all is well. Things are just busy and summery, and I hope to get back to this space very soon. Until then, I hope you are enjoying the sunshine and pretty days. Continue reading
Posted Jul 10, 2012 at Under the Tulip Tree
Turns Out, I've Been Doing This All Wrong
I pay attention to what I eat. A lot of attention. I try to do the normal things like eat seasonally/locally/organically but I also do a bit more than that. I pay attention to how foods make me feel (which is a lot, good or bad) (sugar, I'm talking to you!) and I thought I kinda had it down. I thought I was staying away from the things that didn't treat me kindly but it turns out I was a little right and a lot wrong. Turns out my body is allergic (or intolerant) to almost everything I eat every... Continue reading
Posted Apr 5, 2012 at Under the Tulip Tree
Beautiful Manzanita
Old shingle houses on the way to the shore. Paned-glass windows and white trim. Little rivers in the sand. Beach grass and black hills. And sky that never ends. Conversations in the wind. A beach house kitchen. And handmade milkshakes. Games by the fireplace. And bittersweet goodbyes. ANY Continue reading
Posted Apr 3, 2012 at Under the Tulip Tree
Pretty Pink Plum Blossoms
Thank you dearly for your tips for getting through the hard seasons. It seems that for some it's the heat, for some it's the sun, for some it's the stifling humidity, and for some it's the cold, dark gray. The most difficult part seems to be the unrelenting sameness of it all. The day in and the day out of waking up to the same, tiring thing. I guess I'm a Midwestern girl at heart so I need at least some semblance of four seasons, however short or minimal they may be. But my people are here. And my people... Continue reading
Posted Mar 26, 2012 at Under the Tulip Tree
Is Now Too Soon?
I know, it's a tired complaint. Really tired. I complain about it all the time. I can't help it. I do try to love it; I try to make it work for me. Every year I'm hopeful it will get better. But it hasn't gotten better in 18 years. In fact, after 18 years I think it's gotten worse. What if you spent three months out of every year waiting for them to be over? What if you spent six? What about eight? What if you spent eight months out of every year wanting to skip them? That seems like... Continue reading
Posted Mar 21, 2012 at Under the Tulip Tree
Hungarian Beef Goulash
I know, tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day so why a Hungarian dish today? I don't have a good answer for that. But I happened upon Hungarian Beef Goulash at Dinner with Julie the other day and I was totally interested. And totally motivated! When I saw the beef with the paprika I was like, yummm. When I saw the little dumplings I was like, ohhhh. When I saw the bacon I was like, Do we need bacon on top of all that? But then I told myself not to argue with the bacon and oh my heavens was it delish!... Continue reading
Posted Mar 16, 2012 at Under the Tulip Tree
Rice Penne At Home
I don't know if it's the weather, the time change, or just the general blah-ness in the air but I am feeling completely unmotivated in the kitchen. My old dinner standbys just aren't cutting the mustard anymore. Yesterday, though, I made it super easy on myself and just mixed a bunch of different containers together. I had very low expectations for this dish but was quite surprised by the results. I'm not sure it requires a written recipe but here it is in all its simpleness: Rice Penne with Chicken, Pesto, and Ricotta 1 cup cooked chicken breast (I used... Continue reading
Posted Mar 14, 2012 at Under the Tulip Tree
Hand Painted Model Horse
Like I've said before, Miss A may no longer be obsessed with real horses but her love of model horses (and what she can do with them) is still alive and well. This horse is from a Breyer Custom Horse Kit and she researched different ways to paint it so that it looked as realistic as possible. Here's what it looked like before--bald, pale, and slightly alien-like. To paint it, she ground up different colors of chalk pastels and dabbed them onto the horse with a dry paint brush. Between each layer of pastels, she sprayed it with a matte... Continue reading
Posted Mar 12, 2012 at Under the Tulip Tree
Your sandwich sounds yummy, too! The chips are made by Garden of Eatin. Pico de Gallo flavor. :)
Lunchtime Favorite
I wasn't much of a food adventurist in my younger years. I liked what I liked and if there was a food my mother didn't make or bring home from the grocery store, I pretty much had never heard of it (i.e. bagels and cream cheese). But one day in high school, I was so hungry that I tried somethi...
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