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Ms Molly
Tri State Area.
Somedayz I ain't safe, Somedayz I'm gonna pay, Somedayz I just pray, Will I go to heaven or hell, only god knows, Somedayz I can't say. Somedayz I might lie, Somedayz I don't try, Somedayz I might cry, When I'm on my sick bed and my dayz drawin short, Damn, Someday I'm gonna die.... Somedayz...
Interests: Music, songwriting, Sleeping at the studio grinding....Music is and has always been my passion.
Recent Activity
Well, Bees new buddy is Gwenyth Paltrow whose daughter is named "Apple", So I'm sure Gwen done helped her out with this one! But regardless, Blue Ivy, Ivy Blue, etc, Just call her RICH.
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Actually, these days A YEAR means a lot. No offense, but a nigga will get you knocked up, and leave you in 6 months time! And I don't understand the hate towards Amber. Kanye was the cheater in their relationship. He even admitted he messed up. And third, I like these two together. She seems happy. And he's proud of his girl. Why can't he tell the world he's in love? Why he gotta be whipped? He's happy.
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Depends on if your looking at a glass half empty or of half full. I choose "half full". I think being chairman of a network is definitely a big achievement at any age.
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Zane I can't believe you let a 4 year old produce that video!! I really expected more. Zane must be on something. Seriously. He's on something. That was really 'Bobbyish"....
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When keeping it real goes wrong.... That must of been one those intense arguements!! Some people REALLY REALLY NEED TO BE RIGHT. And yes I would have gotten frustrated too if you told me you didn't know JayZ was Beyonces husband. I probably would have gotten upset too. Lol. I mean Wow. I do hope he recovers. But WOW.
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I say he SEEMS like a "stand up dude" because of his many charities giving back to kids, and his involvement with TeenNick, not to mention dude seems like a good husband to Mariah. I would never compare Nick to Jay Z, Will, or Richard Pryor but if you want to talk comparisons then lets talk about the fact that Nick Cannon started out on one of the best kids shows that started all of the other ones called "All that", even had his own TV series, had a music career, his own music label, actor, comedian, chairman of TeenNick, etc., I mean the list goes on. He's had a lot of success that people just don't give him credit for because he's "NICK CANNON".
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Wishing them well. Nick seems like a stand up dude.
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Dawn has always had that "special" voice even when she sang with Danity Kane. Her vocals always stood out. I love her and Kalenna.
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How about she not say anything about ANYONE until she perfects the art of rap? That freestyle was TERRIBLE. She should sit right next to Lil B'.
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GIRL, bye. She has private chef who can make tofu taste like chicken I'm sure. So how hard is that? Rich folk are so extra at times.
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I love Ms Maya, I do. But "old people" complain a lot, and I'm sure there was a misunderstanding. I guess she has NEVER listened to common album I take it. But you know old folks.
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Yea, I mean he's decent, but to call him "THE BREAKTHROUGH" artist of the year is a conspiracy. but it is MTV so am I surprised? No. I was expecting Kendrick to take this one though.
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I smell BS..controversy is brewing. I can tell you now Jae Millz, Tyga,and that lil squirt..whatever his name is... are shaking their head waiting to get dropped...I mean damn! Even Shanell gave up the goodies to Wayne and she ain't even out!
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And that's why I like Amber. She say just enough.
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So because she's a female who has happened to be a stripper in the past, its assumed she's leaked her own pics BUT if this was a dude with his dick getting posted everywhere we'd assume some groupie leaked them right? or some ex of his.... Why she gotta be leaking her own pics? Who knows if Kanye is behind this. I mean we all know Amber is one of the most hated in the blogs from Luke saying something to Kanyeezy still putting her name in his lyrics. Plus Kanye STILL MISSING THAT...So I'm gonna be one of the few on Amber side. Chick just trying to get paid. And if she happens to meet a wealthy rapper on the way up, then that's logic. Moving on...
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I don't care what she said about Rick..She betta go somewhere with her second grade flow. Sound like she make her rhymes with a thesaurus. "And you can catch me locin on the block man/No dirty socks/Ima clean girl/Yea go to school/cus you a fool/Your a tool/Heres a rule/blah blah blah blah.... Shes wack.
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If he like it, I love it...
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Your music will forever live in my ipod Amy...Damn...she got me thru a lot of cold nights and early mornings.
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I try..what can I say
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Molly appreciates
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Sup wit u? Yea, My email is the same. Msmollygohard@gmail I'll send you a email soon and see if you get it..
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She betta make that money for daddy...
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Wow..I would never expect Uncle Luke to hate. I mean at least not publicly. As I've said before...A real nigga don't give a f*ck about what you or anyone else says about his girl. A grown man ain't got time worrying about "WHO SHE WAS WITH BEFORE HIM". That's lame. That's the difference between boys, and MEN. I hope they ride out into the sunset.
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And lets watch him blame the title of his album. Truth is, no one wanted it anyway.
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