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Atlanta, GA
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Chow, I'm not attacking your right to say stuff either. But if you want to go trolling for "low-rent" (your words) posts, then I, too, can draw conclusions about what kind of person you are. Simple. As. That.
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MsUnderestimated is now following Blackfive
Aug 15, 2012
Intelligence and Special Operations forces are furious and frustrated at how President Obama and those in positions of authority have exploited their service for political advantage. Countless leaks, interviews and decisions by the Obama Administration and other government officials have undermined the success of our Intelligence and Special Operations forces and put future missions and personnel at risk. via Please go to their website and donate. They need ALL of our support now. Continue reading
Reblogged Aug 15, 2012 at MsUnderestimated's blog
Shep Smith is a douche. He ceased being one of the "journalists here at Fox News" when he said PrezBO finally entered the 21st Century when he embraced gay marriage. That's not news, douche... that's commentary.
Toggle Commented Aug 10, 2012 on "Veteran" Terror at BlackFive
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Looks like a human cock fight, minus the blood & violence. Hysterical!
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Thank you, Matt. I just got off the phone with Arvest bank to try and make a donation over the phone with a credit card because I'm in the process of settling back in to Oklahoma (my home state), and my checks are still in boxes in storage. The teller told me they can't take credit cards over the phone, so she suggested something else so I thought I'd share this here. If you don't want to send a check in the mail, if you do on-line bill-paying through your bank, set up Arvest Bank in c/o the Strait Trust as a payee and use that to make a donation/payment. BRILLIANT idea!!! BTW, as an Okie from birth, I'm not surprised at what the teller told me - they're getting TONS of support, in both money and cards/letters, from EVERYWHERE, and they are happy to get it to help Strait family. I hope the talkers share it on Monday, and I told the teller to hopefully expect a DELUGE next week if that happens. I sent the link to Boortz, who will surely share it with his listeners on Monday. If there's one thing you can count on from an Okie, it's that we take care of each other. GOD THANK YOU for presenting the right opportunity for me to move back to OK from Atlanta. It feels so good to be back home. And God, while you're at it, may I also request you take care of the Strait family in this time of dire need? (Also bless Matty and the others at B5 for bringing us this story.)
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This is a little off-topic, but remember when the "Loose Change" d-bag met Danny Bonaduce on the sidewalk in LA, and asked him about WTC Tower 7? Again, truthers get owned.
Toggle Commented Mar 3, 2012 on Andrew Breitbart- a Brother in Arms at BlackFive
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Hey, you gotta check out this RIGHTOUS evisceration of Hollywood, the unions and the left when Breitbart interviewed Adam Carollla back in 2010. Caution - language warning! :-)
Toggle Commented Mar 3, 2012 on Andrew Breitbart- a Brother in Arms at BlackFive
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I think I've finally read something that truly (as Glenn Beck says) will make BLOOD shoot STRAIGHT out of my eyess!!! Holy FRACK, will this be a nightmare!!!
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HOLY CRAP! WTF IS GOING ON??? Are they REALLY going to put these American personnel on trial?
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This is just another in the long list of reasons why NOT to bring terrorists onto American soil and into American jails. I worked as a Corrections Officer before I went on the road as a law enforcement officer with the same agency. Cell "shake-downs" were quite common when we found out inmates were passing notes, and quite often, those notes were inscriptions inside any book; even bibles. We HAD to, per policy, destroy the books or whatever other items which contained the illegal notes. How in the hell would we, as American Corrections Officers, be able to enforce these rules that are in (I would venture) almost 100% of correctional facilities? It would NEVER work!
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MY ignorance of the financial realities? Are you kidding me? If you think Keynsian economics works better than supply-side, you are a fool. Your sarcastic reference to "moochers and looters" as a violation of the "new tone" meme is laughable. Calling someone either one of those things doesn't even come close to calling a group of patriotic Americas jihadis, Hezbolla-like, suicide bombers, terrorists, and much worse. Give me a freakin' break.
Toggle Commented Aug 11, 2011 on The progeny of the Welfare State at BlackFive
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Wait, what? The wealthy have been "carpet-bombing" the working classes for decades? How does that wealth envy taste in your mouth. Do you have a job? If so, is your boss one of those evil, filthy rich people? I don't know about you, but I NEVER got a job from a poor man. And what about "wealth and income statistics?" Wealth, contrary to popular belief, is not something that is handed out by government based on equality or fairness. Wealth is something you earn with your hard work. Rich people are rich because they keep doing the things that make them rich, and conversely, poor people are poor because they keep doing things that keep them poor. You, sir, are the one engaging in class warfare. What we do here is have adult discussions about current events, politics, and the military. Therefore, all non-adults must now leave the room. So go. Go now...quickly before you miss your curfew. About that "carpet-bombing" comment... you're not conforming to the "new tone" edict that has been handed down by the libs.
Toggle Commented Aug 10, 2011 on The progeny of the Welfare State at BlackFive
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BRAVO, Uncle J! Somebody's gotta say it, and you did just so with panache and flair...sprinkled over a heaping helping of brutal honesty. Luv u, bruddah!
Toggle Commented Aug 10, 2011 on The progeny of the Welfare State at BlackFive
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Prayers on my knees tonight for them.
Toggle Commented May 18, 2011 on Thoughts and Prayers Needed at BlackFive
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Aw, shit... I should have known Han Solo was a Paulbot. YOU guys are the 'tards. You've ruined everthing you've ever attended here in Georgia. You've even heckled fellow conservative AND Libertarian speakers who WEREN'T "Ron Paul." Go away, douche.
Toggle Commented May 18, 2011 on Presidential candidates at BlackFive
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Seriously, Hans Solo? You haven't heard much of Herman Cain's many speeches. That's unfortunate for you, but not surprising. Continue to stay uninformed.
Toggle Commented May 18, 2011 on Presidential candidates at BlackFive
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Hey, douchebag... by your comment alone, you show yourself to be a "proven retard." Idiot.
Toggle Commented May 18, 2011 on Presidential candidates at BlackFive
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AMEN, Durka!!! well said.
Toggle Commented May 18, 2011 on Presidential candidates at BlackFive
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Okay, I finally found the video! Not the best quality, but I found the original on an old external hard drive. Here it is. PLEASE, folks, watch this video and back Herman Cain to defeat BARACK OBAMA!
Toggle Commented May 18, 2011 on Presidential candidates at BlackFive
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Joseph, I am with you. I am from Atlanta, so I've known Herman a while now. I saw him first speak at the premier rally for the FairTax, and he was such a powerful speaker, the guy next to me said "my gosh, if he keeps this up, I'm gonna start speaking in tongues!" The crowd stayed on their feet the whole time he spoke. I was also a blogger at the AFP Summit last year, concurrent with the Restoring Honor Rally, and I was on bloggger's row when Herman came into the room and gave us all a 15-minute sit-down interview. I got it all on video ( I'm telling you guys, Herman is DYNAMITE, and would eat 0bummer's LUNCH in a debate! He is so great off-the-cuff and there's not one person out there who could trip him up. Herman is an established businessman, and frankly this country is a business and we need a president who knows HOW to run a business. Funny you should mention him and Michele Bachmann, Uncle J. After Herman finished speaking to all the group on blogger row, there was a team from a radio station from Michigan, and they took Herman aside and said "Herman, would you please run with Michele? Please? We need you!" Michele had previously been up on the row, too, but we didn't get the kind of time with her that we got with Herman. Herman has a membership group from his show called "Herman's Intelligent Thinkers Movement," and his callers would usually say "HITM, Herman!" when they got through. I urge ALL of you to please search everywhere and learn about as much as you can about Herman. He's a force to be reckoned with. I'm going to try to find the video of him speaking at the FairTax Rally and edit it for publishing. Hit'em, Herman!
Toggle Commented May 17, 2011 on Presidential candidates at BlackFive
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Durka, this brings me back to a problem I've long had with the office of POTUS. The current d-bag in the office could NEVER be hired as a municipal police officer in most cities, could not get a top secret security clearance with the background he has, but yet he can be elected to the highest office in the land? What is wrong w/ this picture? If you can't pass a security background clearance, how can you or anyone you appoint be entrusted to keep ANYTHING secret? SERIOUSLY! BTW, this bitch of mine applies to ALL politicians, who are granted the authority AND privilege to view, read, disseminate, etc., things that the average police officer couldn't. I know this because I am a cop.
Toggle Commented May 14, 2011 on PERSEC Problem is Serious at BlackFive
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Okay, so it's not military-related, but I nominate Greg Gutfeld and the gang from RedEye, especially after their recent "robot theater" beatdown of Media Matters and their new "Training Camp." PRICELESS! always comes down to the lotion doesn't it? Anyway, RedEye regularly gives Media Matters a good donkey punch just when the time's right.
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LOL...Douchebagistan, I love it! I think I know several who live there.
Toggle Commented Feb 17, 2011 on A Blessing And A Curse at BlackFive
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Check out this interview with Joe Zamudio, registered gun owner and carrier, who was one of the ones who held the punkass down while waiting for police. He told Geraldo about the events, and (probably much to Geraldo's horror) detailed how he could have used his gun on Jared, but decided not to because he realized d-bag was already subdued and no further lethal force was necessary at that point. Color me pleased as punch that he related this story to anti-gun-idiot Geraldo... YOU GO, JOE! Tell Geraldo what it is to be a RESPONSIBLE gun owner!
Toggle Commented Jan 10, 2011 on In the Crosshairs- In the Crosshairs at BlackFive
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