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Multibagger Stocks
23-A, Radhaswami Society, B/H Chankyapuri, Ghatlodiya, Ahmedabad 380061
ABJ ( is located in Ahmedabad, Gujarat working since 2012. The website is headed by Ashish Joshi & Bharti Joshi who have extensive experience in the financial sector spanning a variety of divisions such as advisory, trading, investment, teaching in Equities, currency and commodities for over 10 years. Ashish Joshi holds a post graduate degree in Science and Diploma in financial management. Bharti Joshi is a qualified C.F.A. and a commerce graduate. Their prime services include stock market advisory services and teaching financial and technical analysis courses. Multibagger stocks are basically small OR mid-cap stocks with huge growth potential. As these companies grow, their stock price rises, and this increases wealth. Value pick stocks as it name signifies are good fundamental beaten down stocks, stocks with good backbone give straight recovery after massive market crash and makes huge wealth. One fact is Indian economy is in bull run,so Multibagger stocks are always best choice in such market and other fact is, even bull run has tendency to correct after making highs and then to bounce back from lower levels, much more than it felt which creates the necessity for Value stocks. Making huge wealth through stock market with Multibagger Stocks + Value Pick Stocks according to clients risk return is the vision ofABJ (
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Dec 19, 2018