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Mulya Mizi
Recent Activity
Mulya Mizi is now following Mark
Nov 3, 2011
Mulya Mizi is now following Mark
Nov 3, 2011
Zynga customer service
Some people have posted complaints to this blog about problems with zynga games and customer support. Zynga has 30 people in cs supporting 8.5 million daily users with a goal of 48 hour response time. We have recently been fighting hackers in our yoville game and are working hard to... Continue reading
Reblogged Nov 3, 2011 at Mulya Mizi's blog
Your best friend calls you and tells you he/she's really sick? How do you show you care?
hello sir
I experienced a loss due to chip 160Million who report inappropriate acts (Report Abuse)
3 november 2011 it happened I was playing with one player only
but why when I make a big bet, I lost 160M chip.
and then I give the enemy a tissue
I am very disappointed
day after tomorrow when I want to buy 50 gold coins for the next tournament
My email: [email protected]
chips lost 160Million Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2011 at Mulya Mizi's blog
zynga's haiti relief efforts hello sir I...
zynga's haiti relief efforts hello sir I experienced a loss due to chip 160Million who report inappropriate acts (Report Abuse) 3 november 2011 it happened I was playing with one player only but why when I make a big bet, I lost 160M chip. and then I give the enemy... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2011 at Mulya Mizi's blog
Mulya Mizi is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 3, 2011
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