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Mar 15, 2010
I used to work at Perpetual (on the other game, GnH) and it has been sad to see STO slipping away as well. I had high hopes. :(
goddamn tachyon storms
I always love Penny Arcade (this series on Gabe making a fake Facebook profile for Tycho, culminating in Tycho's exquisite revenge, made me laugh so hard I spent a lot of time unsuccessfully attempting to explain it to Anne) but today's comic presents a situation that's wonderfully familiar to ...
I used to work at Perpetual (on the other game, GnH) and it has been sad to see STO slipping away as well. I had high hopes. :(
goddamn tachyon storms
I always love Penny Arcade (this series on Gabe making a fake Facebook profile for Tycho, culminating in Tycho's exquisite revenge, made me laugh so hard I spent a lot of time unsuccessfully attempting to explain it to Anne) but today's comic presents a situation that's wonderfully familiar to ...
You also sat with my friend and former co-worker Michael from Ninja Burger! He told me about how great it was to sit at the same table. :)
the joy of mutually geeking out
While at the Child's Play dinner, I told Twitter: Without knowing about my message to Twitter, Major Nelson then told Twitter: Heh. Awesome. We ended up geeking out at each other a whole bunch after dinner was over, and I'll eventually be on his podcast, which will rule. The Child's Play d...
You also sat with my friend and former co-worker Michael from Ninja Burger! He told me about how great it was to sit at the same table. :)
the joy of mutually geeking out
While at the Child's Play dinner, I told Twitter: Without knowing about my message to Twitter, Major Nelson then told Twitter: Heh. Awesome. We ended up geeking out at each other a whole bunch after dinner was over, and I'll eventually be on his podcast, which will rule. The Child's Play d...
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