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I'm a college student who got lost and had to leave for a bit, but I'm finding myself a little each day.
Interests: Dancing, singing, creating, snuggling and cuddling, sleeping, traveling, always trying something new
Recent Activity
So I decided I was finally going to buy the above book and create all the cute cake pops you see pictured on the cover. This is how my adventure went. The first step is to bake a cake in a 9x13" pan like you see above. You can pick... Continue reading
Posted Jan 24, 2011 at Away With Leave, But Without A Clue
"Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet."- Roger Miller Continue reading
Posted Jan 11, 2011 at Away With Leave, But Without A Clue
Sarah is now following Account Deleted
Jan 11, 2011
Sarah is now following Pipinpa
Jan 11, 2011
Note: For those of you for whom it may bother, I do discuss my academic performance in this blog. I have no problems with you knowing, but I give you fair warning before you begin to read. Today marks the beginning of my blog covering all the things that will... Continue reading
Posted Jan 11, 2011 at Away With Leave, But Without A Clue
Sarah is now following daisy barringer
Jan 6, 2011
Sarah is now following Thanh-Trang Hoang-Le
Jan 6, 2011
Toy Story I really need to say any more? Ok, I will. Besides the fact that it was well animated etc., it definitely brought me back to my younger years(not that I'm that old or anything lol) and I liked the theme of moving on being a good thing.
To be in the right place for me, where ever that may be. I was inspired by Gretchen Rubin's book "The Happiness Project", which is actually what lead me to this blog spot.
Sarah has shared their blog Away With Leave, But Without A Clue
Jan 6, 2011
Some of you may identify with this and others may be shocked, but over the last two years, I have forgotten how to read for pleasure. I haven't finished a book in ages. I used to consume books voraciously, but... Continue reading
Posted Jan 6, 2011 at NY Women's Book Club
Sarah is now following NYWBC
Jan 6, 2011
Sarah is now following Medusa's Monologues
Jan 6, 2011
Sarah is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 5, 2011