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El otro día, me puse a escuchar por Internet una entrevista que le hacían al payaso Fofito en la Cadena Ser Murcia. Por casualidad, me tropecé con dicha entrevista al buscar información sobre los sitios en los que Fofito va a actuar próximamente, ya que a mi hijo le gusta... Continue reading
Posted Oct 16, 2014 at My cute little blog
Posted Oct 8, 2014 at My cute little blog
Mylittlecutethoughts is now following YK
Oct 8, 2014
Hope that Alonso is better. You must be happy with your husband already there. When are your moving to Spain. In a few weeks, right?
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEW WEDS! Once again, I love the decoration!
That is an AMAZING house for an indoor wedding!! I love the touch of red (bourdeous, right?)and white. NICE TASTE!!!
I love these pics!! Hot suffers!!
Toggle Commented Nov 3, 2011 on DEAR FLORIDA: at Between U.S.A. and Spain.
Nice pictures of Alonso! He is a big boy and very cute! I am sure he had a blast playing in the swimming pool. Poor your daughter Mayra. I can´t believe she didn´t recognize your voice and most of all your sense of humor!
Oh Juana! No mercy with that Bubba. Tough girl!!! I like your attitude!
I am so relieved to hear that you finally hugged Alonso. :-). Hope that some day we had the chance to hear our stories in person. Kisses kisses Sent from my iPhone
I am so sorry to hear about it! It must be so hard for you not being able to see Alonso on his birthday! Your story brought tears to my eyes. It should be a big issue that stopped you for going to your daughter and grandson's house and kiss them. If you need to talk, you know where we are!
Dear Juana, I am so GLAD that Alonso is fine!!! So, a little bit of help, and everything would be ok. I have to tell you that I was a little bit concern. And about the child care center, maybe that was not the right one. We are traveling to Canada on Sunday. Lets see how little Marc manages such a long flight. So, I am so excited to go there. I will keep you posted about my Canadian experience. By the way, congrats for your son graduation!! Kisses, kisses, Merce
Toggle Commented Jul 7, 2011 on WEEK 68 at Between U.S.A. and Spain.
Dear Juana, I am so sorry to hear about such a week. What I want to say is that you really do not know what is going on with Alonso. So, tell you daughter stop watching videos over Internet. Internet is not a trustful place to be informed. Just wait for the doctors' diagnosis. As you say, your other grandchild and your son experienced more or less the same. Maybe, what would be good for you is talk with your sister about the first symptoms of autism. But, wait for the doctor's diagnosis. I know that waiting until the 29 is so long. Couldn´t you visit any other doctor or specialist before to get a first impression?. So, you don´t worry that much until the 29th? Regarding the day car, Ufffs! Do you know if the persons working there had the enough patience for Alonso? Maybe it was not a good day care. The first's day care of Marc was horrible. The person in charge told me all the time: "He wants us to be with him all the time and we don´t have time". He changed day care, and it worked just fine. Every child is different and every child is a world. My son talks and he still having crazy melt downs... Hope that your husband gets better. I know that is hard, but everything in live has a solution ;-). If you need to talk of something, just tell me. Take care and a kiss for you and your family. Merce
Toggle Commented Jul 3, 2011 on WEEK 68 at Between U.S.A. and Spain.
How cute he is!!! Isn´t amazing how kids grow up?
That is so funny!! This Neptune looks familiar to me.
Juana, so sorry to hear about the story of Maricela. Do you know what? they would never forget the angel that came through their lives: YOU!!! By the way, YOU HAVE WON A CONTEST!!! CONGRATS TALENTED GIRL!!
Toggle Commented Jun 2, 2011 on WEEK 65. Part 2. at Between U.S.A. and Spain.
I hope that you are feeling better right now. And get some sleep! Kisses
Of course I am reading your blog!!! I couldn´t miss it! It is so lovely!! I am so sorry to hear that this week has not been good. As I always said, take one thing at the time and everything will come out perfectly. Bad days will be over soon! Think about the good things that are about to come! Hope that Alonso and your sister are fine. I love today's blog pics. From your travel to Spain (these are so artistic), from Alonso (he stays in the stroller without complaining Lol! Hope that he is better, for me is terrible when my son is sick, even a simple cold), and from the wedding (nice!!!!) By the way, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY SON? HAHAHA. He has spent all weekend signing and listening songs from your family!!! Hahaha. Kisses, kisses. Hope to see you soon!
Oh no! How did she manage to arrive at the Wedding, with all the bouquets? That is so gross!!!!
Toggle Commented Apr 6, 2011 on CAN YOU IMAGINE... at Between U.S.A. and Spain.
So, it is a true story!!!!
So glad that your husband comes over to visit you. So, are you coming back to Spain soon? Regarding your husband's jobs in the USA, I went just once to Reb Lobster, but I usually go a lot to Macarroni Grill (certanily, it was so yummy). Your blog brings me a lot of memories of when I was living in the USA. So, tomorrow is your daughter's brithday? Congrats. Congrats also to your nice for her new store, it looks like so stylished. In addition, congrats to your son for his new job. He is so talanted (despite his meltdowns when he was younger, hehe). Too many congrats! That is good. It looks like that good things are coming to you. That will make you feel better. And, I am sure that your lovely ones will get along again! So, Juana's lovely ones get along again, please!!! Keep writing. Kisses, kisses, Your little Swiss flag...
Toggle Commented Feb 11, 2011 on WEEK 50 at Between U.S.A. and Spain.
Mylittlecutethoughts is now following Merce17
Feb 7, 2011
Did you have to work on Sunday??? Uff! What a nice pics!! I love the one with Alonso in the restaurant, he seems so calm! I cannot go with my son Marc to places because he could not stay in calm (please, read my blog "skiing day and black trousers). Juan Luis Guerra was one of my favorite singers (just before country music took me over). So, I know most of his songs!
Definitely I will try this receipt. It seems really easy, it is just for me. I always wanted to learn this receipt. So, thanks for posting it!!!!
Toggle Commented Feb 6, 2011 on SPAGHETTI A LA SILENT KILLER. at FOOD STORIES