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I wonder why we lose our time posting here, since we never get an answer, and issues are never solved ! I give up playing for today. I've tried to plant for le last 45 minutes, and I have to start all over again and again because of this out of sync issue.
And they want us to use Farmville cash to buy things that will disappear anyway ? No, thanks !
Tuscan Wedding and Double Mastery Weekend!
Plow, plant and harvest away! This weekend, you will earn twice as many mastery points for every crop! We have also released the new Tuscan Wedding feature, which will allow you to get all new Tuscan items by finding ingredients for the wedding around your farm! Play FarmVille HERE! ...
Great to earn twice the mastery points, if we could plant !!!! I have the "out of sync" message every 2 seconds, and there is nothing I can do !
And I'd love to participate to the Co-op, execpt that it is impossible, I have always a message telling me it's full or no longer exists.
Your game is great, but I won't play it much longer if it never works !!!!!!!!
Tuscan Wedding and Double Mastery Weekend!
Plow, plant and harvest away! This weekend, you will earn twice as many mastery points for every crop! We have also released the new Tuscan Wedding feature, which will allow you to get all new Tuscan items by finding ingredients for the wedding around your farm! Play FarmVille HERE! ...
PIka is now following TypePad France
May 29, 2010
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