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San Diego CA
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The first question to answer is, will the EU intervene. Second, if the EU intervenes, who and where? Once an intervention takes place, under what conditions will the occupation be lifted. What about resistance? Will the US be drawn in? Will Germany and France cooperate in the interventions, or will their be conflict between them. What about the anti-intervention factions in both countries. How would the foreign national populations react? I can see Greece, Spain, and Italy defaulting on their debts, leading to financial turmoil and the follow on collapse of those countries' governments in riot and rebellion. French and Germany mobilize and intervene to bring order back, with Britain and other EU nations lodging protests. War galore, and Greek, Spanish, and Italian streets run deep in blood. Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic join Britain in lodging protests. News of Franco-German atrocities appear from the occupied countries. Partisans and insurgents gain successes. The French and German governments start talking about a mass call up. Anti war and anti government demonstrations and riots begin in the two countries. Russia begins to talk about a humanitarian intervention. Not very likely I shall admit, but sometimes the outrageous is what occurs.
Toggle Commented May 1, 2010 on Why It Means War at Cobb
1 reply
Most people are going to see it as an adventure film. Brave underdog versus overweening pride. Pride overcoming good sense, tragic events, emotionally satisfying resolution. I'm going for the eye candy myself. :)
Why call it Avatar? To quote Sarek of Vulcan, "It seemed like the logical thing to do at the time." More seriously, the word "Avatar" has a long history revolving around gods and their representatives upon Earth. In Hindu mythology... Continue reading
Posted Dec 15, 2009 at AVATAR
mythusmage is now following AVATAR
Dec 15, 2009
You want people to speak with one voice. So, how did the cat herding go?
1 reply
What would an underground railroad be like in a world where people had superpowers? What would sinus surgery be like in a world where surgeons had access to Clairvoyance and Teleportation?
Toggle Commented Feb 16, 2008 on i don't want to go on the cart at WWdN: In Exile
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What would an underground railroad be like in a world where people had superpowers? What would sinus surgery be like in a world where surgeons had access to Clairvoyance and Teleportation?
Toggle Commented Feb 16, 2008 on i don't want to go on the cart at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply
Puppies and kittens Wil, puppies and kittens. Impromptu naps are great too. But don't push it, recovery always takes longer than you expect. Take it easy until you find yourself back at your normal pace, and you didn't notice it happening.
Toggle Commented Feb 14, 2008 on is there anyone home? at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply
Puppies and kittens Wil, puppies and kittens. Impromptu naps are great too. But don't push it, recovery always takes longer than you expect. Take it easy until you find yourself back at your normal pace, and you didn't notice it happening.
Toggle Commented Feb 14, 2008 on is there anyone home? at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply
Wil, I hope you get your chance to do your improv soon. (As I typed the above I got this nasty idea. This wonderfully nasty idea. The current day Bill Shatner standing in for a certain disreputable junk dealer in scenes from "The Trouble With Tribbles". (Kirk always did strike me as the sort to take up a career as a "tramp steamer" captain once he retired from the service.))
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Wil, I hope you get your chance to do your improv soon. (As I typed the above I got this nasty idea. This wonderfully nasty idea. The current day Bill Shatner standing in for a certain disreputable junk dealer in scenes from "The Trouble With Tribbles". (Kirk always did strike me as the sort to take up a career as a "tramp steamer" captain once he retired from the service.))
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ccpeterson, Thanks for the heads up, I'll have to keep an eye out for Sinucleanse at the local pharmacies. Wil, I hope it's not a bacterial infection; those can be a bitch to get rid of. You know it's a serious medical procedure when they bring out an array of cold chisels. :)
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ccpeterson, Thanks for the heads up, I'll have to keep an eye out for Sinucleanse at the local pharmacies. Wil, I hope it's not a bacterial infection; those can be a bitch to get rid of. You know it's a serious medical procedure when they bring out an array of cold chisels. :)
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From Lee Gold of LASFiS, CALIFORNIA WONDERLAND Trick or treat day just ended Christmas time has descended They're decking the halls For sales in the malls In our California wonderland Garbage kid rotorooters Barbie doll home computers In full color ads What fun to be had In our California wonderland On our TVs we can watch it snowing And be glad that it is not near by Outside we can hear santanas blowing All the summer smog out of the sky Here's a creche and menorah Sure and faith and begorrah They're a secular show Cuz our lawyer says so In our California wonderland (Repeat refrain and last verse) And speaking of santanas, we've got one down here. Gives us two good reasons to be grumpy and out of sorts. :)
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From Lee Gold of LASFiS, CALIFORNIA WONDERLAND Trick or treat day just ended Christmas time has descended They're decking the halls For sales in the malls In our California wonderland Garbage kid rotorooters Barbie doll home computers In full color ads What fun to be had In our California wonderland On our TVs we can watch it snowing And be glad that it is not near by Outside we can hear santanas blowing All the summer smog out of the sky Here's a creche and menorah Sure and faith and begorrah They're a secular show Cuz our lawyer says so In our California wonderland (Repeat refrain and last verse) And speaking of santanas, we've got one down here. Gives us two good reasons to be grumpy and out of sorts. :)
1 reply
They're Wheaton and his brain Wheaton and his brain One is a genius The other's insane (Guess who?) They're old gamer geeks Play Rock Band just like freaks They're Wheaton, Wheaton and his brain, brain, brain, brain [fade away]
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They're Wheaton and his brain Wheaton and his brain One is a genius The other's insane (Guess who?) They're old gamer geeks Play Rock Band just like freaks They're Wheaton, Wheaton and his brain, brain, brain, brain [fade away]
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Wil, I can see you as the conniving, deceitful, treacherous assistant to the Big Bad, ever on the lookout for the main chance and any opportunity to feather your nest. Then again, I once 'cast' you as a ferengi captain in a re-invention of Star Trek. Your first scene involved chatting with your first officer while dining on one of your new born daughters. Not nice people these re-invented ferengi. :)
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Wil, I can see you as the conniving, deceitful, treacherous assistant to the Big Bad, ever on the lookout for the main chance and any opportunity to feather your nest. Then again, I once 'cast' you as a ferengi captain in a re-invention of Star Trek. Your first scene involved chatting with your first officer while dining on one of your new born daughters. Not nice people these re-invented ferengi. :)
1 reply
I can explain why Major Nelson was there. Jeannie wanted him out of the house while she tidied up for his promotion to colonel, and thought Seattle in 2007 would keep him occupied for the 10 seconds it would take to get it done.
Toggle Commented Dec 14, 2007 on the joy of mutually geeking out at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply
I can explain why Major Nelson was there. Jeannie wanted him out of the house while she tidied up for his promotion to colonel, and thought Seattle in 2007 would keep him occupied for the 10 seconds it would take to get it done.
Toggle Commented Dec 14, 2007 on the joy of mutually geeking out at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply
Wil, You can depend on any government agency being efficient when it's to their advantage, and inefficient when it's to your disadvantage.
Toggle Commented Dec 14, 2007 on I will ship books in the shade! at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply
Wil, You can depend on any government agency being efficient when it's to their advantage, and inefficient when it's to your disadvantage.
Toggle Commented Dec 14, 2007 on I will ship books in the shade! at WWdN: In Exile
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