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Jen O.
North of the border.
Wow. "One-line bio". That's getting kind of personal, don't you think?
Interests: this line of questioning is making me feel uncomfortable.
Recent Activity
@Sherri - I just quit a few weeks ago. The break up was NOT amicable.
Facebook Movie Poster Is Full Of Lies
The first official poster for the new Facebook movie, The Social Network, has just been released and DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU READ. Because it's full of lies. Well, maybe not so much lies as probable future forecasts, but whatever. LIES, I tell you. LIES. Did you even know there was a...
Jen O. added a link at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
Jun 18, 2010
This dude is swearing just to be cool. The law of negative returns, buddy.
Open Thread! The MTV Movie Awards!!!!
Join us back here at 9 pm ET for snarking the SHIZ out of the MTV Movie Awards! DO IT!!!! This should be agony in the best kind of way, so hit those comments, yo!
Cameron's mouth is too big. If my mouth was that big, I'd never smile.
Open Thread! The MTV Movie Awards!!!!
Join us back here at 9 pm ET for snarking the SHIZ out of the MTV Movie Awards! DO IT!!!! This should be agony in the best kind of way, so hit those comments, yo!
@Sweetney - thank goodness. I can feel the leg cancer forming.
Open Thread! The MTV Movie Awards!!!!
Join us back here at 9 pm ET for snarking the SHIZ out of the MTV Movie Awards! DO IT!!!! This should be agony in the best kind of way, so hit those comments, yo!
Is this almost over? My laptop is burning my legs.
Open Thread! The MTV Movie Awards!!!!
Join us back here at 9 pm ET for snarking the SHIZ out of the MTV Movie Awards! DO IT!!!! This should be agony in the best kind of way, so hit those comments, yo!
Cameraman, don't you DARE pan away from @Larissa's and my boyfriend.
Open Thread! The MTV Movie Awards!!!!
Join us back here at 9 pm ET for snarking the SHIZ out of the MTV Movie Awards! DO IT!!!! This should be agony in the best kind of way, so hit those comments, yo!
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