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Wow it's 2002 and a storage product just came up with a new efficiency feature called "Thin Provisioning".
Dell EMC World 2017: ScaleIO 3.0!
I want you, dear reader, to stop and pay close attention. I’ve said it before, I will say it again: SDS and HCI architectural approaches are now ready for the majority of x86 workloads. There is a sustained space for external purpose built storage platforms (think SAN, NAS, Object appliance...
Actually the only allows registration employees and partners - badge Id or partner Id is required. Is there a way to create account for customer ?
Dell EMC vLab = more powerful than ever…
Great things have humble beginnings. Many, many moons ago, three efforts started – the VMworld Hands-on-Labs, the EMC World Hands-on-Labs, and the EMC University self-service labs. Each was an environment built for rapid hands-on learning, where people could roll up their sleeves, play with th...
Hi Chad,
I have not missed an EMCWorld since 2010 - first few years as partner then as customer (United Nations). I have one complaint/sugestion - can you please direct it to the appropriate team.
It's about the quality of the recorded technical sessions that are released after the conference. In 2013 there were slides and audio only, last year there was video, but almost no slides visible. I wish the EMCWorld team could look at the way VMWorld and CiscoLive sessions are recorded and published - the video of the speaker is in the corner and the slides are visible all the time, the script can be searched, and there is navigation for the slides.
Thanks and looking forward to see your presentation - always fun and always technical.
Burhan Halilov
Storage Administrator
United Nations HQ
[email protected]
EMC World: A Preview and Things on the “Must See and Do” List
Every EMC World I’ve been to has certain things in common: Fun! Friends! Learning! Community! Getting to take the detailed covers off things I’ve been hinting at… … And, of course, face-melting reveals of things no one expects! This year is no different – and we keep dialing it up! We...
7400N is now following Erik Smith
Apr 15, 2014
I've worked for EMC partners in the past, and contracted to EMC directly, and I also have the IE, TA and DCA certs. Unfortunately I'm on the customer side now (working for the UN) and I and really pissed I don't have access to the great vLabs. Is there a way I can get access ?
Thanks in advance,
Burhah Halilov
[email protected]
PS: Please do not publish my comment
Latest on vLab (including Openstack labs)
For those of you using vLab – keep on doing it! in Q2, EMCers, EMC partners and some EMC customers even drove more than 23,000 uses of vLab. It’s one of those usage charts that is “up and to the right”… It’s a perpetual race to add more capacity to handle load (yup, we’re doing that), and mor...
7400N is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 18, 2013
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