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LOL. I love the description of the dryer buzzer. I actually muted mine. I found a manual and took apart the control panel and silenced that nasty thing.
Freshly Fluffed
The dryer bell has sounded to tell me my sheets are ready. Unlike the washer, which plays a happy tune to announce the end of a cycle, the dryer sounds like it's announcing the end of a work shift at a Russian ball bearing factory. "Enhhhhhh" it shouts. "Come and get your crappy laundry, it's ti...
This is lovely. We talk a lot about appreciation. I think it is every bit as important as love. I think the little rituals are very nice also. They create a sense of belonging.
Wedding Reflections
In an interesting juxtaposition of timing, two months before my 25th wedding anniversary one of my dearest friends got married. Not only did it give me a chance to see and remember what it's like to be full of hope, so heartbreakingly sweet and also slightly naive, but it gave me a chance to thi...
They just started the composting program at my office so we now have three bins in the kitchen/break room. Fortunately, no poo in there (we hope) and it gets emptied every night so no rats (we hope).
The Assimilation has Begun
Today the recycling program that has taken over San Francisco finally moved far enough south to land on our part of the Peninsula. By and large it's a good thing, even The Right Thing. The world cannot afford so much garbage. Like little garbage elves bringing presents, the truck rolled thro...
Nancy is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 2, 2010
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