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Nancy Ellis
Recent Activity
Nancy Ellis is now following Mary Bailey
Oct 6, 2011
Nancy Ellis is now following tammy tutterow
Nov 19, 2010
Nancy Ellis added a favorite at Vintage Papergoods
Nov 19, 2010
I've been following your blog for several weeks now and I'm glad that I found it: I learn something w/ each of your posts and, even better, what I learn usually sparks a direction of inquiry for me to follow. I'm enjoying keeping my brain limber! Thank you.
The History of Rartity: Helium, Nutmeg, Breadfruit and Pepper
JF Ptak Science Books Post 1089 I guess we don’t think much of the rarity of some things. Pepper and other spices were at one point quite rare, and the source of invention and exploration, and war. Nutmeg, for example, a sought-after spice originating from the Banda Island group of Indonesi...
Nancy Ellis is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 19, 2010
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