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This goof muslim was a waste of skin. So smart, yet so stupid.
Niagara Train Jihad: Moderate Muslims Yesterday, Jihadists Today
The two jihadists behind the plot to bomb a VIA passenger train over Niagara Falls were Chiheb ESSEGHAIER and Raed JASER. Highly educated, with access to the best engineering and science intel. What is equally disturbing is that there are many Muslims on his team at the research institute in C...
SKEP is now following Wouldman2
Aug 7, 2012
This topic should be picked up by Pears,or Nancy Grace. Maybe it would get more coverage and clue more people in.
Sharia: Woman shackled with baby, faces death by stoning in Sudan
Obama say, "respect it!" Remember, sharia empowers women. Arbeit macht frei! Sudan woman shackled with baby, faces death by stoning - activists Reuters, August 1, 2012 KHARTOUM (Reuters) - A Sudanese woman accused of adultery has been sentenced to death by stoning and is being held shackled with...
Where is the MEDIA on this? Lot of silly talk shows and news casts, but no one dares to use the word "mooslim".
Bulletin of the Persecution of Christians
June 28 - July 30, 2012 June 28, 2012 Sudan Authorities in Khartoum demolished two church buildings last week, days after confiscating three Catholic schools. Officials from the Ministry of Planning and Housing of the local government authority on June 18 sent bulldozers that destroyed a chu...
It's all about INBREEDING.Fecal material in the head.
Hamas-CAIR shows no mercy to abused Muslim-American women (in accordance with the Sharia)
Hadith of the Day: Show Mercy by CAIR on Thursday, July 26, 2012 at 12:03pm · The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “(God) has mercy on those who are merciful. If you show mercy to those who are on the earth, He Who is in heaven will show mercy to you.” Rashida Amahtullah assalkma...
These sick bastards should have their testicles removed if convicted so that they can not procreate any more of these retards.
Honor killing: Muslim "repeatedly ran over" his sister to make sure she was dead, over her alleged "suspicious behavior"
Murder is punishable by death in "moderate" Jordan, but in “honor killings,” "moderate" Jordanian courts can commute or reduce sentences, particularly if the victim's family asks for leniency. It's the sharia. Obama say, "respect it!" Jordanian kills divorced sister over ‘suspicions’ Al Arabiya...
The FBI must be able to get this bastards I.P address and charge him. I would think??
"If you ever disrespect Islam ever again, I'm going to personally find you all, ok?...You'll fucking die."
Shortly after Robert Spencer interviewed me about "Islamophobia" on his new ABN show on July 23, ABN received this chilling death threat. If Daisy Khan or Huma Abedin had received this threat, the police would be on 24-hour guard at their house. But no one will take notice of this one. Here's a...
The French will have to use strong arm tactics,remember it's dealing with delusional inbreeding that's part of the problem.
French police injured in row over burka, case dropped "appease tensions during Ramadan"
A woman in France was wearing the niqab-- that leaves all but the eyes covered in contravention of a French law passed in 2010 law banning wearing any face-covering veil in public. Don't write a law that you won't enforce. Because everyone will know you are full of it and anything and everythin...
All korans belong in the sewer system
Pakistan: Thousands of Qurans Dumped in Raw Sewage Canal
In case you actually believed that all of this unholy slaughter was about some nonsensical manufactured "religious indiscretion" and not about power, supremcacy and an excuse to kill infidel soldiers in the cause of Islam, get real: Pakistan Korans: Thousands Dumped in Poop Sewer: Man Tries to ...
On Jihadwatch: Why do i get a "comment submission error" anybody know ?????
Why Don't You Do Right on An Open Thread
Peggy Lee is ....hotter than that. Here she is giving a classic the mad hot treatment. "Why don't you do right?" on the Friday open thread. Why, indeed.
Lets get our nukes ready cause i see it coming, make no mistake, this evil crap has to GO.
Islamic Supremacists Siraj Wahhaj and Amir Abdel Malik Ali To Hold Muslim Brotherhood linked Fundraiser
Emboldened and brazen, Islamic supremcacists raise money for jihad, aka "Islamic charity." Much thanks to Obama: Acting on Obama's Vow: Jihad Funding and Islamic Charity -- Atlas Shrugs... the United States, rules on charitable giving have made it harder for Muslims to fulfill their rel...
Nick the muslim would lie-tagiyyah you know.
Tyranny: TSA Strip-Searches Young Boy
Video description: Let's get the facts straight first. Before the video started, the boy went through a metal detector and didn't set it off, but was selected for a pat down. The boy was shy, so the TSA couldn't complete the full pat on the young boy. The father tried several times to just hold...
Ban the whole dammed cult. Bronze age brain dead logic.
Oklahoma Bans the Sharia (Islamic Law)
Sharia law banned: Oklahoma to become the first US state to veto ... -- Daily Mail I am moving and leaving my burka behind:) UPDATE: Oklahoma bans stonings, amputations for theft, death for apostates, Muslims cry "Islamophobia" (Hat tip R. Spencer) Oklahoma bans Sharia, Muslims plan l...
The more educated these mahoundians get the more they believe in this malignancy of islam.
British Airways Computer Expert Offered Himself as Suicide Bomber
Another poor misunderstood misunderstander of Islam. Diane Sawyer and Christiane Amanpour, call your offices. British Airways worker in terrorism court appearance A British Airways computer expert from Newcastle who is alleged to have offered himself as a suicide bomber has appeared in court. R...
What did you expect from this idiot who appears to have fecal material in his frontal lobes.
UK: Muslim Subway Driver "Planned to Take Part in Violent Jihad": Tells Family, "Allah and his prophet Mohammed" came first
Another poor misunderstood misunderstander of Islam. Planes, trains and automobiles. Tube driver 'planned to take part in jihad' The Express A London Underground Tube driver who is from Essex, planned to travel to Afghanistan or Pakistan with the intention to take part in a "violent jihad", a co...
SKEP is now following Eleanor
Sep 23, 2010
SKEP is now following SaleemSmith
Sep 22, 2010
These mahoundian parasites are up to no good. Pack them up and send them back to their caves where they can tend to their sheep. They will never assimilate into western society. When will people learn the truth.
Breaking: Eiffel Tower Evacuated in Bomb Alert
Was this a response to the Muslim veil ban? Eiffel Tower evacuated in bomb scare Herald Sun (hat tip Armaros) FRENCH police evacuated the Eiffel Tower and the park surrounding the Paris landmark today after a bomb alert. A police officer said about 25,000 people were in the area at the time ...
I can't wait to see a Mooslim womens'volleyball team. Wearing those stupid bags over their body.
SIOA Watch: Michigan high school football team practices from 11PM to 4AM to accommodate Muslim players
SIOA alert. Here isyet another accommodation, in a disturbingly long list of imposing Islam on our secular society. Michigan high school football team practices from 11PM to 4AM to accommodate Ramadan fasting Muslim players The team is predominantly Muslim, but there is at least one non-Mu...
Maybe the muslims think they will be able to get a glimpse of allah when they get up into the space station.That's close to heaven.
Islamizing NASA
Back in February, the Obama administration announced they were cutting back the space program to redirect their efforts to the Muslim world. NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden gave the answer Tuesday, when he revealed that Obama had asked him to "find ways to reach out to dominantly Muslim count...
SKEP is now following duh_swami
Aug 4, 2010
Good job Pamela ! The American people seem to have their heads in the sand. With your help they may wake up.
Pamela Geller, American Thinker: The Man Who Would Stop the Ground Zero Mosque
Read in full my oped in today's American Thinker on NY Gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino. And remember to mark your calenders for our next solemn protest against the Ground Zero mega mosque on September 11th. We will rally on September 11th, one year to the day before Islamic supremacists in...
SKEP is now following The Typepad Team
May 12, 2010
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