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It's a new year, 1-1-11. And it's time. Time to dispell the rumors and the stereotypes. Time to put to rest the silly and sometimes embarrassing assessment of the "secrets" of a Southern Belle. For example, neatly ascribes a list so anyone who can follow a recipe for boiled water can suddenly transform herself into a parasol-totin', sweet tea swiggin', honeysuckle drippy-drawled coquette in a dozen easy steps. Here's How: Offer Mint Julep or Iced Tea to everyone who visits your house. Eat grits everyday for breakfast. Refer to your house as "The Plantation" no matter how small your house may be. Refer to all men as "gentlemen caller" or "beaux". Never let a man know you're interested or chase him because you know there are too many men who want you for you to expend the extra effort. When you have a dating dilemma and have one gentleman... Continue »
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Just as many people seem to be misinformed on the essence of being a southern gentleman as there are on being a southern belle. On the popular eHow website, the first item in the list on How to be a Real Southern Gentleman advises one to get the right clothes. Another author on this same site advises men to "dress the part." In fact, the list looks something like this... Get the right clothes Tip your hat to the ladies Talk with a drawl Race her to her chair Know how to appreciate a good meal Offer assistance Flirt shamelessly Well, I declare! There you have it. No need to read further. Simply tip your hat to every lady in the restaurant while boltin' to your table, winkin' all the way. And that should do it. However, should you want to cultivate the essence and attributes of a true southern... Continue »