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Thanks sweet Lisa!
The Working Proof
I've been away from the design and blog world for a few years now but i'm about to relaunch my new work through The Working Proof gallery. The Working Proof will be showcasing my first ever letterpress print of my line drawings and this has been produced as a limited edition of 100. Autumn Po...
Hi Susy! Thanks very much...I remember Spiralbound very well - you've got great style :)
The Working Proof
I've been away from the design and blog world for a few years now but i'm about to relaunch my new work through The Working Proof gallery. The Working Proof will be showcasing my first ever letterpress print of my line drawings and this has been produced as a limited edition of 100. Autumn Po...
nebo-peklo is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
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