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Interests: Rejoicing with my people
Recent Activity
I hope everyone will have an amazing Earth Day. I...
I hope everyone will have an amazing Earth Day. I plan on enjoying the beautiful blue sky and the wonderfully green grass. (no easy feat in a city like mine) Maybe take a few minutes today to really try to... Continue reading
Posted Apr 22, 2010 at AVATAR
Hello again my brothers and sisters. I just...
Hello again my brothers and sisters. I just watched an episode of Planet Earth narrated by none other than Sigourny Weaver. I was immediately brought right back to Pandora. Continue reading
Posted Feb 14, 2010 at AVATAR
Now THATS being creative.
Never would have thought to do that in a million years.
woow! I made a dark elf on oblivion and it really...
woow! I made a dark elf on oblivion and it really looks like a Na'vi minus the tail.
Any image with Neytiri in it is one of my favorites.
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I hadn't originally thought of that option, but I agree. I think they had a very strong bond.
Post Idea: If I were Neytiri, the best animal on...
Post Idea: If I were Neytiri, the best animal on pandora would of course be Seze!
I'm pretty sure he advocated taking a walk through the woods or on the beach and remember why our planet is so beautiful and valuable.
(then maybe watch Avatar again)
Guess what James Cameron said viewers should do if...
Guess what James Cameron said viewers should do if they get the 'Avatar Blues'?
Hello my brothers and sisters. I just ran across a...
Hello my brothers and sisters. I just ran across a cool article that has the answers to twenty seven Avatar related questions. It has probably already been posted somewhere, but here it is anyway. Continue reading
Posted Feb 4, 2010 at AVATAR
Is he everything we all hope and dream him to be?
Steve is an awesome writer/moderator and a man...
Steve is an awesome writer/moderator and a man with a vision, i was very proud to meet him in person.
Thanks for the link.
The book is looking amazing.
I'm still amazed at how popular Avatar is. I am...
I'm still amazed at how popular Avatar is. I am still seeing Avatar making it to front page news sites on a weekly basis. Does anyone know how the fan book is coming along?
I'm still amazed at how popular Avatar is. I am...
I'm still amazed at how popular Avatar is. I am still seeing Avatar making it to front page news sites on a weekly basis. Does anyone know how the fan book is coming along? Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2010 at AVATAR
Yes he is.
The actor is actually found in many roles like the one in dodgeball, if memory serves.
isnt the dude who plays norm on the movie Dodge...
isnt the dude who plays norm on the movie Dodge ball?
I loved their reactions. Priceless.
I wonder what the the mortality rate from Toruk attacks is.
Hello again my brothers and sisters. Been away for...
Hello again my brothers and sisters. Been away for two days now. How has Hometree been doing? Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2010 at AVATAR
I love her smile.
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One of my favorite Pandoran locations.
Breathtaking view. Just look in the sky. I would trade any crappy city skyline for what we are looking at here.
I don't know. I would enjoy seeing what other brilliant life Cameron can come up with, but I have fallen in love with the Na'vi and Pandora.
The potential material on Pandora alone could span a trilogy, which makes me concerned as to why Cameron would want to move on so quickly.
But I guess it is still all rumors and speculation at this point.
More clues about the sequels... "“There’s more...
More clues about the sequels... "“There’s more to the Alpha Centauri system than just Pandora,” he says. “There are other moons that are boats for life. And there are stories that eventually spread out into other parts of the solar system.” The suggestion? More fantastical worlds to explore and e...
That is absolutely mesmerizing.
There is a lot of ignorant and blind people out there. It's our job to help teach them to see.
I have tried to, but a lot of people still think...
I have tried to, but a lot of people still think 'Avatar' is a racist or political movie.
I think pictures like the one above are under appreciated. The beauty and majesty of space is so often overlooked, even though it provides use with so many awe inspiring views.
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Mine too.
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Long story short, he was faking symptoms for a "friend" who was feeling under the weather but couldn't get treated because of lack of insurance.
End result, Norm was fine, his "friend" was pregnant.
I just saw Norm on House MD. His condition...
I just saw Norm on House MD. His condition was...embarrassing. And not Avatar related in any way.
I don't know, but he looks angry.
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I absolutely loved the entire Iknimaya scene.
Majesty like I have never seen before.
I just saw Norm on House MD. His condition...
I just saw Norm on House MD. His condition was...embarrassing. And not Avatar related in any way. Continue reading
Posted Jan 28, 2010 at AVATAR
Date or no date, I could see myself at the base of that waterfall for countless enchanted days and nights.
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