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madknitter Nat
Recent Activity
Thanks for your comment Cindy! I have too much to say to let the blog sit quietly by!
Re-entry (of sorts)
Caitlyn (now 6) yesterday, to me: When I'm an adult, I'm going to have children. (PAUSE) So they can do my jobs for me. Me, in reply: Let me know how that one goes for you sweetie TypePad Conversations » Answer this question!
Definitely! And I can always email you some photos! I have been walking him 3 -4 times this week, the longest walk was 2 hours. He was pooped! But his legs and waist are looking trimmer! And if I am lucky, then mine may also! )
The DIY dog bed is still holding up, although the kitchen twine is giving out slowly. Are you on Facebook? Hugs to you and the pooches! Nat xx
Time to go
It was my 6 year blog anniversary on 25th September just gone. For the third year in a row I completely missed the ocassion.This has helped me to realise that it's time now to call it a day and take down the blog. I have gone past the stage of needing to blog, and even wanting to blog many of th...
That is very sad news to hear. I wish you all the best through what will be no doubt an awfully difficult time
Ce N'est Q'un Au Revoir
this is a difficult post for me to write as i'm not one to share really personal stuff about my life in this forum. it's not that i'm a particularly private person myself. i'll pretty much tell you anything you want to know face-to-face. the internet though still scares me a little. but ...
Thanks Cindy! Lets hope that something turns up soon that Tony and I can agree on ... It was ever thus, I am afraid.
Being hot and cold is all a question of degree and what you are used to! I could only brave Tassie in the middle of summer, Im afraid!
Best to you and the hounds!
Nat xx
Lots to tell
So where to start?I have been looking at lots and lots and lots of houses in Brisbane. Most of them are too small. The kids have been accepted at a particular school so this has defined our search area. Still no luck with finding a house - I am still looking frantically, but trying not to be de...
HI Robbyn!
Great to hear from you! I dont need superwash, as I usually hand wash all my woollies! Any pattern recommendations though?
And arent you proud of me knitting some things for myself? I am backwards and forwards with work between Brisbane and Cairns, and that is a bit stressful of itself unfortunately. I am trying to look at some open houses during the week, and missing out on time at work, and then my time there is very pressured as Im not there all the time ...
Im going through the classic 6 - week in downturn in motivation at work - its well studied, and things will pick up again shortly I am hoping. All that storming norming forming stuff, you know?
Ive missed you too! I thought Id have more time to blog, but as its turned out so far, there has been less...
I had that ball of sock yarn out to send to you but Ive lost track of it now... Will get it to you when I get a chance, I know you understand,
Hugs, nat xx
Lots to tell
So where to start?I have been looking at lots and lots and lots of houses in Brisbane. Most of them are too small. The kids have been accepted at a particular school so this has defined our search area. Still no luck with finding a house - I am still looking frantically, but trying not to be de...
madknitter Nat is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Hi Lynne
My DD aged 4 looks for a cardi if the temp falls to 25 degrees with a breeze! She is going to find the change very cold ...
Could not be more random
Well, I got the job, and we are moving to Brisbane for APRIL (and the start of second term) people! My thoughts are all over the place, not least of all because our children do not own a scrap of warm clothing between them! Ah - the stash! We have the house here to sell and a house down there...
You would really like this book Robbyn. I Was thinking about all the people that would love this book as I was reading it, and all the people who would receive it for their next gift!
What I'm reading, listening to, watching and feeling
It has been lovely to have such a long break away from work. During the holidays, I have read You or Someone Like You. This is a seriously good book, and I loved, loved, loved it. I am listening to "Inside Out Weight Loss" with Renee Stephens (a podcast from ITunes) And today I took my little g...
There is no doubt Cindy that they are both ready for school - and they both have wonderful teachers which is very reassuring
It is very very hard to take a good photo of the pup right now, its true!
What I'm reading, listening to, watching and feeling
It has been lovely to have such a long break away from work. During the holidays, I have read You or Someone Like You. This is a seriously good book, and I loved, loved, loved it. I am listening to "Inside Out Weight Loss" with Renee Stephens (a podcast from ITunes) And today I took my little g...
Holy crap! Now I feel old too (and I mean in relation to Em!)
What I'm reading, listening to, watching and feeling
It has been lovely to have such a long break away from work. During the holidays, I have read You or Someone Like You. This is a seriously good book, and I loved, loved, loved it. I am listening to "Inside Out Weight Loss" with Renee Stephens (a podcast from ITunes) And today I took my little g...
It was fun, the only trouble is now Sunny is creating havoc in the garden! AAAArrrgh!
hugs, nat xx
Skip 'n' Slide - indoors ed
We have a lot of lino inside the house, and whilst playing "Cinderella" (ie getting on hands and knees to scrub the floor), a game developed which had the kids entertained no end for hours. And when they had finished with the inside of the house, I moved the game to the outside tiled area :...
Hi Katt
thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment!
I have made the effort to work out how to rectify the blog, and the lack of updates - my blog entries should appear in Ravelry soon!
Thanks for pointing this out, I did not think this was happening
nat x
Skip 'n' Slide - indoors ed
We have a lot of lino inside the house, and whilst playing "Cinderella" (ie getting on hands and knees to scrub the floor), a game developed which had the kids entertained no end for hours. And when they had finished with the inside of the house, I moved the game to the outside tiled area :...
Thanks Cindy and pooches
The pattern is written for a linen blend (Naturlin)but I am using Rowan Calmer - the photo shows about one and a half balls knitted up. Sunny got my knitting this afternoon and had a chew, not sure of any damage. (not brave enough to look)
I woke up this morning to my 4 yo trying to get one of my knitted cardis (Twist) off the dog, so it looked like a tug-o-war. So you could say I got out on the wrong side of the bed. But a trip to the gym and dinner and I am a happy camper once more. Sunny is going to get T-bone bones at bedtime tonight to keep him occupied.
I am getting better at reading his cues, but this puppy raising business is a learning experience - thanks for all your wonderful advice. I will be heading to the shop for some plain white vinegar tomorrow! Sunny sometimes asks to go out, but mostly doesnt ask to go to the toot; but I do think that sometimes he is holding on and waiting for an opportunity to go out
Puppy news and some knitting progress
It has been so ferally hot here the last few days that I have made the leap and called the air con guy to come and quote to replace the main living area air con, which is woefully underpowered for the area it tries to cover and ancient to boot. That will be a cool change, let me tell you! It was...
Awww thanks Lynne!
The camera has been found! See?
The camera has been found! See?
thank you Bells - thats a real compliment, given how much taste you show when choosing patterns for Alice!
Llani! Fini!
Specs: Llani, by Katya Frankel. I found it on Ravelry, here. I used justs a smidge under 3 balls of Cleckheaton Serenity DK. I am hanging onto the 4th ball I initially purchased to add to the length later on. The pattern was easy to read and well presented. From the looks of the girl w...
thanks JEanne! She is growing up faster than we realise at times!
Llani! Fini!
Specs: Llani, by Katya Frankel. I found it on Ravelry, here. I used justs a smidge under 3 balls of Cleckheaton Serenity DK. I am hanging onto the 4th ball I initially purchased to add to the length later on. The pattern was easy to read and well presented. From the looks of the girl w...
would you like the blue-y purple or the pink?
On 28/10/2009, at 7:34 AM, [email protected] wrote:
Sock yarn giveaway
First in, best dressed: Tofutsies in brown... and in blue-y purple shade (not used, just the ball band is missing) ... and pink-y purples. Please note that the pink ball has been half used, and I will re-wind it for you. All you need to do is leave me a comment with a valid email ad...
certianly - Robbyn. Your wish is my command!
On 27/10/2009, at 10:49 PM, [email protected] wrote:
Sock yarn giveaway
First in, best dressed: Tofutsies in brown... and in blue-y purple shade (not used, just the ball band is missing) ... and pink-y purples. Please note that the pink ball has been half used, and I will re-wind it for you. All you need to do is leave me a comment with a valid email ad...
Thanks Jeanne! I was just thinking - "I could post another picture after last night's knitting efforts, but it would still look the same, except I know that it is a size smaller"
On 20/10/2009, at 10:07 AM, [email protected] wrote:
Read the pattern !!!!! (Alt: the largest swatch in the world)
There are those people who learn the easy way, and then there is me... I knitted three balls of cotton for DD Caitlyn before thinking to slip it over her head only to discover that it was miles too big. I then tried my disaster swatch on DS Ian who is 2 years older and it was miles too big for ...
I just put on my big girl panties, ya know, and took a deep breath ... hehehehe
great to see you blogging again - I just noticed that when I hovered over your avatar in Ravelry in my friends that a new image flashed up. I thought to myself "hello, what have we here?" So I checked your blog, and there you were! I am so pleased! Hugs, nat
On 19/10/2009, at 12:40 AM, [email protected] wrote:
Read the pattern !!!!! (Alt: the largest swatch in the world)
There are those people who learn the easy way, and then there is me... I knitted three balls of cotton for DD Caitlyn before thinking to slip it over her head only to discover that it was miles too big. I then tried my disaster swatch on DS Ian who is 2 years older and it was miles too big for ...
yes I did - commiserations all round, I think ...
On 18/10/2009, at 5:02 PM, [email protected] wrote:
Read the pattern !!!!! (Alt: the largest swatch in the world)
There are those people who learn the easy way, and then there is me... I knitted three balls of cotton for DD Caitlyn before thinking to slip it over her head only to discover that it was miles too big. I then tried my disaster swatch on DS Ian who is 2 years older and it was miles too big for ...
you're welcome :o)
On 12/10/2009, at 8:59 PM, [email protected] wrote:
tap, tap
Sorry it has been longer than I anticipated since my last blogging entry. I was home for the school holidays, and I was hoping to blog a whole lot more but a variety of circumstances conspired against me. We had a family member who hogged the computer we don't see very often, and DS Ian has sta...
Thanks Cindy - she has perked up no end during the day, ate some dinner and was quickly to bed tonight
On 12/10/2009, at 4:12 PM, [email protected] wrote:
tap, tap
Sorry it has been longer than I anticipated since my last blogging entry. I was home for the school holidays, and I was hoping to blog a whole lot more but a variety of circumstances conspired against me. We had a family member who hogged the computer we don't see very often, and DS Ian has sta...
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