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Nathan Stevens
Recent Activity
Nathan Stevens is now following Christopher P. Long
Apr 6, 2010
Nathan Stevens added a photo at Make A Face
Feb 9, 2010
One thing I would like to see tested is a replace for Smart slate technology. Where you could pass it around the room and have other students write on the screen. Maybe the whiteboard app could do that. I am also interested in using the iPad as a presentation tool. I can connect my touch to a project and display the not so stellar PPT slideshow with my AV cord to a standard projector or to my pocket project. If most of your apps are from the web why can't the iPad be something for K - 16 teachers use to present to their students. Currently, we have students adding comments to PDF files with Adobe Reader to presentation notes. If Adobe Reader could do the same, you could edit the text and the PPT presentations at the same time. I have a few other ideas if you want hear more.
What's it Good For?
The biggest impact of the iPad would be in the textbook market, said several officials interviewed by The Chronicle. via I wonder if this is actually the case. I'd love to hear what people think. I'd like to organize a pilot that looks at several key questions -- note taking, portf...
Nathan Stevens is now following Allan Gyorke
Feb 3, 2010
Nathan Stevens is now following robin2go
Feb 3, 2010
Nathan Stevens added a photo at Make A Face
Feb 3, 2010
I looked at the iPad and first thought of the health care market. It is an area that Apple is not in. They could have a corporate line that does not have a camera and a consumer line that has one. In Education, a camera built in to your computer seems to be a must. I would like a camera on the iPAD to do basic VC.
Lost in the Hype?
When the date for the announcement was set, I started hoping that Apple would release something like iWork for the “tablet.” I doubted they would so soon but the hope was there. As I figured, if they did, they’d be sending a clear message that this was the future of computing, not just for gamin...
Nathan Stevens added a photo at Make A Face
Jan 29, 2010
Nathan Stevens added a photo at Make A Face
Jan 29, 2010
Nathan Stevens is now following Cole Camplese
Dec 1, 2009
Nathan Stevens is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 1, 2009
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