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More people need to read these other verses of "America, the Beautiful." The poem is about more than the beauty God has given. It asks for some strength of character, personal growth, and accoutability with all that we have been given!!! Great post, great pictures!
Happy 4th of July!
Here are some pictures I took of my neighborhood fireworks this year. First time I've had a tripod to use, and it makes a difference when you're trying to use a slow shutter speed. I actually got some fireworks in the frame instead of just black sky! ;-) Hop...
I, too, have taken pictures of the clutter in my home just to prove to those who think I'm a neat-nick that I'm very good at dropping things ANYWHERE AND EVERYWHERE and leaving them for days. Unfortunately, I am not adept at putting such photos out there in cyberspace, so you'll have to take my word for it or look at my actual printed picture!
Bathroom counter makeover
BEFORE: This bathroom counter, littered with all my various Bare Minerals powders and other miscellaneous stuff, was beyond messy--even by my standards of messiness! Since I have ample counter space and I'm the only one using this bathroom, I like leaving my stuff out where it's easily accessibl...
LOVE the new title, layout, AND your amazing back yard!!!
The dog days of summer? already?
You can't blame Barney for trying to find a cool spot in the shade! We've had a stretch of 90-degree weather that's been pretty intense for the last week or so. And it's not even officially summer yet!
WOW, Betty!! You outdid yourself on your third post complete with pictures AND made the deadline. It is 10:32 p.m., and I have just posted my third to get me in before the deadline with an hour and a half to spare!!! Are we on for next week? After years of yearbook and some newspaper work, deadlines resonate with me . . . sadly.
Summer excursion to Pigeon Forge
One of our jaunts out this summer was a trip to Pigeon Forge. We did the whole outlet shopping thing, but we also drove through Cades Cove, one of my favorite parts of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The Cove is an area that has been preserved to look much the way it looked in the 1800'...
BRAVO, Betty!!! We are writing! Thank you for getting me started. Hey, I've had almost two years without a post--got you beat!! I've been checking in and will continue to do so!!
Now that was some hiatus!
Signs that I should break my blog hiatus: My sister Deb sends me a "happy one-year non-blogging anniversary" e-mail a few weeks ago. Yes, it's been over a year since I last posted on Dappled Things! Deb has been blogging faithfully at Mountain Musings since I gave her a typepad account for Ch...
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Jul 20, 2010
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