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Neill Augustine
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Neill Augustine is now following Newpublius
Jan 8, 2013
I'm with you there, Angel, though I'm sure you meant a decent resting place. Another thing that needs to be addressed are the remains of the crew of WWII B24 bomber Lady Be Good. They have been held at an Libyan air force base since discovery in 1994, 50 years after the crash, and 30 years after the wreckage was found. If they'd stayed with the plane they'd have died, so walking north through the desert toward the coast was something to do to try to survive, but the only thing that accomplished was making them harder to find decades later. Let's see McCain complain about that too. I have serious doubts about that man and the citizens who would vote him in for another term last year.
Neill Augustine is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 25, 2011