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I believe cacao & coffee beans prove the existence of a Higher Intelligence.
Interests: Star Trek, Sherlock Holmes, Harry Potter, Red Dwarf, Doctor Who, LOTR, Jane Austen, and always Spock even morphed from LN into ZQ - who knew he could get sexier?
Recent Activity
Okay, the last was a bit dramatic. I'm just...
Okay, the last was a bit dramatic. I'm just peeking in while making dinner. It's just turning 6PM and pasta is on. Meatballs, cheese, or both? C U on FB. -Gloria Rodriguez Continue reading
Posted Sep 13, 2012 at Zachary Quinto
NeonGlo added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Sep 13, 2012
NeonGlo added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Sep 12, 2012
NeonGlo added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Sep 12, 2012
PS This is only the first of 3 pages, so click the link for the rest and a set of photos!
Zachary Quinto: Star Man 9.12.2012 By Aaron...
Zachary Quinto: Star Man 9.12.2012 By Aaron Hicklin He's played superheroes and pointy-eared space travelers, and would die to step into transgender rock star Hedwig's knee-high leather boots, but Zachary Quinto's greatest role is just beginning. Photography by Michael Muller Styling by Grant Woo...
Thank you for posting this! It's amazing to see that Zach is willing to say what has been politically incorrect, even in the gay community. I know that "queerness" is often frowned upon by gays who want to be taken seriously. But, let's face it, that quality is what made "Will & Grace" so popular. The queerness that evokes anger or disgust in some people is amusing and charming to others. I think it's because it exposes vulnerability and flies in the face of masculine defenses that are all about control - reserve, stoicism, authoritativeness.
Zachary Quinto: Star Man 9.12.2012 By Aaron...
Zachary Quinto: Star Man 9.12.2012 By Aaron Hicklin He's played superheroes and pointy-eared space travelers, and would die to step into transgender rock star Hedwig's knee-high leather boots, but Zachary Quinto's greatest role is just beginning. Photography by Michael Muller Styling by Grant Woo...
NeonGlo added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Sep 12, 2012
I've never seen memory-beta; Memory Alpha is my usual source. I expect Star Wars accepts novels as canon because they are easier to reconcile with only 6 movies.
I've been told that Star Trek canon is limited to TV & movies because they already generate an overwhelming history without trying to incorporate the hundreds of often-contradictory novels, too.
That's why I personally never blamed JJ Abrams for diverging from the timeline. One of my STARFLEET friends figured there are around 700 hours of Star Trek already. I'd like to find out how that compares with Doctor Who.
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NeonGlo added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Sep 12, 2012
NeonGlo added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Sep 12, 2012
NeonGlo added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Sep 11, 2012
I love this. It got me to follow you (?) on tumblr.
I think Sylar is observing for signs of special abilities. Brainy Peter had better watch out. Where in the word did you get s'chn t'gai? If it's from a novel, it's not canon but I'd like to know the translation, anyway. Personally, I always thought Spock's other name is Schlomo or Herschel or something similar - after his mother's favorite uncle.
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What's his name? This is a great drawing - tell him hello back.
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What is the top pic from and...
apple sauce?
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NeonGlo added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Aug 29, 2012
G4 is showing Heroes again? They did last year, then just stopped. I was so disappointed; I thought they weren't getting enough ratings or something. That's what motivated me to buy the entire show on dvd. Watching in marathon sessions is the only way to recall the details that turn up later in the show. It's worth it. 8-)
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NeonGlo added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Aug 25, 2012
NeonGlo added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Aug 25, 2012
That's so cool. I hope they are getting one WICKED pizza party. And maybe a parade. =)
OMG!!!The United States Little League winner is...
OMG!!!The United States Little League winner is from my neighborhood of Goodlettesville TN.YEAH!!!!!!
I assume the guy is "oblivious" that he is being annoying in some way. I don't see any irony here, just a bit of fun with the words. I suppose hipster coffee shops are too ubiquitous to avoid in West Hollywood or wherever?
the obliviousness of the infuriating hipster in...
the obliviousness of the infuriating hipster in front of me at my infuriatingly hipster coffee shop is infuriating.
jiminy crickets. I learned on a manual typewriter: it ruins you for life. You have to - now, don't take this the wrong way - bang out the strokes hard and deep to make an impression! After decades using electric typewriters, word processors and computers, I've still never developed a light, quick touch. 8-[
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NeonGlo added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Aug 18, 2012
NeonGlo added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Aug 18, 2012
NeonGlo added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Aug 16, 2012
I'm with you, Dixey. There will be a twist, and it will be a mean one. (:-I
posible AHS spoiler about zach character inside...
posible AHS spoiler about zach character inside *read if you want*
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