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Assuming we can't trade Tommy Joseph, there is no reason not to send Brock Stassi down, move Tommy Joseph into his role as pinch hitter, and promote Hoskins to play first base.
We're not contenders in 2017. Does it really matter if our 25th man on the bench bats right handed? Is it worth letting Hoskins spinning his wheels at age 25 in AAA because Joseph is just mediocre enough to not be released?
Phillies Trade Deadline Mailbag: Joseph, Hellickson, Neshek
We are back once again with the 97.3 ESPN Phillies mailbag. The mailbag is full of trade deadline questions as we are less than a week away from the July 31 deadline. Send your questions anytime to @FrankKlose on Twitter and we will answer them on the Sports Bash with Mike Gill each Tuesday ...
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Jul 25, 2017
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