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neil epstein
Brooklyn, NY
design and code for gothamist et al, pixels and more for frog design
Interests: hackery, internet, design, music, film, tv, scuba, coding
Recent Activity
neil epstein added a favorite at FAKELOCKE.COM
Feb 3, 2010
HBO redesign
HBO relaunched today. While it's visually interesting, I'm not a fan (it's a piece of crap). Completely overuse of Flash, borrows a lot of iPhone visuals in a bad way and is a usability nightmare. Play a video and try to figure out how to get out of it, good luck. You'll either have to hit the browser back or hit "pause" on the video. Even the forum is in Flash! And don't try to look at it without Javascript or Flash, they completely gave up on a comparative experience here and give the viewer a flat text list... Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2010 at neil epstein's blog
Map Scale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The impossibility of flattening the sphere to the plane implies that no map projection can have constant scale: on most projections the best we can achieve is accurate scale on one or two lines (not necessarily straight) on the projection. Thus for map projections we must introduce the concept of point scale, which is a function of position, and strive to keep its variation within narrow bounds. Although the scale statement is nominal it is usually accurate enough for all but the most precise of measurements. via researching for designing a map like scale in an interface Continue reading
Posted Jan 13, 2010 at neil epstein's blog
apple-tablet-rumour-roundup.png 1020×690 pixels
via This about sums it up. Continue reading
Posted Jan 13, 2010 at neil epstein's blog
I'm with Coco!
via You should be too. Although part of me isn't convinced that this isn't an elaborate scheme by NBC to drive up interest in their channel. Think about it, any press is good press right? We're talking more about NBC and their late time lineup than I can even care to recall. Plus, they have the Olympics coming up, and how great is it that every time they mention Leno/Conan, they also mention the Olympics. Marketing genius if you ask me. Continue reading
Posted Jan 13, 2010 at neil epstein's blog
neil epstein added a favorite at neil epstein's blog
Jan 13, 2010
hello typepad
via Some context lost on the reBlog that was important for me to remember. This is from a gallery of Twin Peaks behind the scenes photos. The creepy guy in the middle is Bob played by Frank Silva. The character of Bob was an accidental. From wikipedia During the filming of a scene in the pilot taking place in Laura's room, Frank Silva, a set dresser, accidentally trapped himself in the room prior to filming by inadvertently moving a dresser in front of the door. Lynch had an image of Silva stuck in the room and thought that it... Continue reading
Posted Jan 8, 2010 at neil epstein's blog
Netflix to wait 28 days before renting Warner Bros. latest DVDs - San Jose Mercury News
Under an agreement announced today, Netflix's DVD-by-mail service won't send out Warner Bros.' latest DVD and Blu-ray discs during the first 28 days after they hit the market. via This reminds me to the days of VHS, when many Hollywood blockbusters, like Back to the Future, were exclusive to rental stores. If you wanted to purchase a BTTF on VHS at the time, it would cost you $99 as a new release. It's interesting that this move could potentially hurt the market that built Home Video, and turning attention fully to direct with the consumer. Tho with streaming, even... Continue reading
Posted Jan 6, 2010 at neil epstein's blog
iPhone can do multiple mail aliases too!
On the way in on the train I was thinking how Apple Mail lets you set up multiple email addresses for a single account by using a comma to separate the two. I mentioned how this was also recently on Daring Fireball. It got me thinking that what if the iPhone could do this too? Sure enough it can but with one caveat. The awesome software keyboard on the iPhone neglects to allow you to have a comma, the critical character needed for this solution. You'll have to literally find a comma or type one in a messaging app, safari,... Continue reading
Posted Jan 6, 2010 at neil epstein's blog
Building the Realtime User Experience: Rough Cuts Version - O'Reilly Media
Knowledgeable, classy, witty and an amazing developer too, I'm extremely excited to crack open this pdf. The best part about this book is getting insight into Ted's brain. Building the Realtime User Experience: Rough Cuts Version - O'Reilly Media Posted using ShareThis Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2010 at neil epstein's blog
Android vs iPhone
I had the pleasure of spending a few days with an Android device, namely a Droid, thanks to @jenist and Verizon. When I say pleasure, I do mean that. There are some really enjoyable traits on here that iPhone can't currently match. While I won't be picking one up for personal use, since I'm already on the iPhone, these things give me pause on recommendations for others. If the Nexus One is available unlocked for a reasonable price, then maybe. Though if Palm did the same thing with a GSM based web0S device I might have get that too. What... Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2010 at neil epstein's blog
Simpson: Has it really been this long
Walked by a billboard of this on the way to work this morning. What 2nd digit do you see? At first I saw a 9, maybe even a 3, but the 0 took me some time. Without the teeny piece of black between homers arm and barts leg, you'ld never get there. This design is a near fail. Continue reading
Posted Jan 4, 2010 at neil epstein's blog
Been working over the holidays on a couple of Ist...
Been working over the holidays on a couple of Ist related projects that I've had trouble finding time for. They're both iPhone apps, and currently both being developed using the <a href="">Titanium Mobile</a> environment. The first app that I hope to submit was the 2nd I set out to create as it wound up being an easier gateway to development. The Titanium Mobile app has been an overall positive one, once you get past the limitations of some slow down from the HTML/JS to fully rendered App. But the ability to use one codebase to develop for both Android and... Continue reading
Posted Dec 30, 2009 at neil epstein's blog
neil epstein is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 29, 2009
neil epstein is now following Michael Sippey
Dec 29, 2009
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Dec 29, 2009
neil epstein is now following iPhoneHacks
Dec 29, 2009
neil epstein is now following Wil
Dec 29, 2009
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Dec 29, 2009
Multiple email aliases for one account in Apple Mail
Using Email Aliases in Apple Mail ★ I did not know this: You can set up a single account in Apple Mail with multiple “alias” email addresses. via Pretty handy tip that I've been using for awhile. Constantly a time saver. Continue reading
Posted Dec 29, 2009 at neil epstein's blog
MT Fight Club | TypePad
Not sure what this blog was, but it was assigned to my username and blocked me from creating a new site. Last post was several years ago and is now password protected, any thoughts on MT Fight Club Continue reading
Posted Dec 29, 2009 at neil epstein's blog
neil epstein is now following mmmeow
Dec 29, 2009
Trying to activate a blog on Typepad and failing...
Trying to activate a blog on Typepad and failing miserably. So much for quick acquisition! update: was able to get it going, obviously. but couldnt do it via the "manage my blog" area on the right, had to do it on the quick compose on the right. Continue reading
Posted Dec 29, 2009 at neil epstein's blog
neil epstein is now following Mena Trott
Dec 29, 2009
neil epstein added a favorite at
Oct 5, 2009
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