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Cory Lynn
First, the deep-south. Next: The world!
Interests: Reading, Comics, Video Games, Nerdy Endeavors, etc.
Recent Activity
I'm def sending one! The post office is super hellish though. It kinda sucks to see that everyone else on earth respects teachers. Guess I'll enjoy it while I can.
Right before I left for Istanbul, both of my...
Right before I left for Istanbul, both of my classes (morning and night) told me all these places I needed to go. They were so excited I was finally going, because they absolutely love that city. Tonight was my first night back since the shooting. My class was beside themselves. I got so many hu...
If I can stay somewhere long enough, maybe you and mama can come vısıt!
new school
Words cannot express how ın my element I feel. Thıs ıs exactly what Korea was supposed to be! I have never felt so comfortable, calm, and collected as I do ın front of students. I feel so freakıng thankful to enjoy and feel called to be ın the career I am ın. Not only that, but I'm good at ıt....
It is probably one of my favorite short stories on planet earth!
I finally have a classroom. It is so nice to be...
I finally have a classroom. It is so nice to be able to look out into a room that is mine and all mine. No one is going to come in and grab a snack out of the fridge. Microwave some lunch. Get a cup. Spill kimchi on the floor for me to clean up. Love it. We're all getting ready for our first pa...
He wore it just to spite me!
Kevin and I hanging out with my panda buddies:...
Kevin and I hanging out with my panda buddies: Shot taken by Jon Dunbar!
My co-workers are all from the north. (Not North Korea). They weren't nearly as impressed. Bahahah!
This afternoon, our principal told us he would...
This afternoon, our principal told us he would like to phase in the yes and no mam's and sir's that the, "south typically uses." He said, "I notice that Ms.Blasingame uses them for the kids, and I really think it is a good idea. It makes each kid feel important, and brings in some more westernize...
Thanks! I start teaching on Monday. We're doing a summer camp for now.
This is the view from my balcony!
This is the view from my balcony!
haha, I will. Don't worry!
Jul 18, 2010
Only a few more hours!
Cory Lynn is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 9, 2010
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