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Cory Lynn
First, the deep-south. Next: The world!
Interests: Reading, Comics, Video Games, Nerdy Endeavors, etc.
Recent Activity
I'm def sending one! The post office is super hellish though. It kinda sucks to see that everyone else on earth respects teachers. Guess I'll enjoy it while I can.
If I can stay somewhere long enough, maybe you and mama can come vısıt!
Toggle Commented Oct 24, 2011 on new school at Awkward Adventures Abroad
It is probably one of my favorite short stories on planet earth!
He wore it just to spite me!
My co-workers are all from the north. (Not North Korea). They weren't nearly as impressed. Bahahah!
Thanks! I start teaching on Monday. We're doing a summer camp for now.
haha, I will. Don't worry!
Toggle Commented Jul 21, 2010 on Jul 18, 2010 at Awkward Adventures Abroad
Cory Lynn is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 9, 2010