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Johan Nes
Recent Activity
Miss Fuchsia Dunlop has written about yacai la.
Best Beijing Finds - Dan Dan Noodles, two ways
As a self-proclaimed dan dan noodle specialist (I am, after all, host to a video that’s the first to come up if you type the words “dan dan noodles” into YouTube), I am quite ashamed to say that I only learnt what really goes into authentic dan dan noodles until my recent trip to Beijing. A...
Oh my looks divine.
Fish with scales, huh.
I've only had that at Amber, and once in Japan.
The fact that this little Taipei trattoria serves it speaks volumes of its culinary sophistication.
i must visit it next time i'm in TW, especially since i've actually NEVER had Italian in Taipei before !
PART I - Taipei Finds: The Best Italian
Living la Vida Locale – a III Part series PART I - Taipei Finds: The Best Italian Those who have been following the works of the nananmoose will know exactly how much I am into local produce and the “simple pleasures of life”. I am hence thrilled and inspired to find today on MingPao a one page...
Johan Nes is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 16, 2010
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