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Communicator, blogger, podcaster.
Interests: travel, communication, podcasting, computing, my family, movies, reading, writing, technology, blogging, walking, star wars, smooth jazz, costa rica., cycling in amsterdam
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"This means I will only post if I have something original to share that I think will interest/help my readers." That is good enough, David!
Toggle Commented Nov 13, 2013 on Why I (don't) blog at Teblog
Good post, Philip, some great advice! Just to add a couple of tips that your readers might find handy - 1. Make a Compelling Profile Together with a photo or other relevant image, the concise information in your Twitter Profile is an essential element of a Twitter account as it lets others know a little about you, your interests and your community - an important aspect in decision-making when deciding whether to follow someone or not. Here are three tips to help you when you're setting up your Twitter account and Profile: + Write your brief bio informally and naturally. Look at Philip's or mine for an idea. It's a one-line bio, not a brochure intro or a press release headline. + Choose an image that reflects how you'd like others to see you. If it's a photo of you, a smile is good. + Add a link to more about you, your blog, something where a potential follower can go to find out more detail about you. In other words, somwehere that that potential follower can verify you to their own satisfaction. Want some ideas of what other people do? Take a look at this Twitter list of communicators that I put together: 2. Are You Public or Private? There are two types of Twitter account: public, open to the online world; and closed or private accounts where your content - known as 'protected tweets' - can be seen only by those you have granted access to. If you intend to use Twitter as a means of openly engaging with others online, sharing comments, opinion and links, then a public account is your obvious choice. If you wish to engage only with a small group of people, for instance, where you manually approve each request to follow you, and where your tweets don't appear in Twitter Search results, then private would be your choice. The point is, you do have a choice. See the Twitter help page "About Public and Protected Tweets" for more information.
Toggle Commented Nov 14, 2012 on Twitter for academics at mediations
1 reply
Sad news, Dan, even if it may not have been wholly unexpected. Thoughts with you and your wife. Your point re she could be cancer-free right now but there's no way of knowing is one that will resonate strongly with anyone who's going through this or similar. Look at it this way: what your wife will go through now is the absolute best that medical science currently knows. That is a comfort no matter how small it seems. Clarence says it well: The sun will shine again for you.
Toggle Commented Sep 26, 2011 on And So The Waiting Ends - With Chemo... at Dan York
Thanks for the history connection, Bernie! Four years seems such a long time ago...
Toggle Commented Dec 8, 2010 on I Followed Jangles at Inside View
1 reply
Just seen a tweet about your news, Robin. Many congrats. Exciting times!
Toggle Commented Jun 4, 2010 on joining edelman at
Nice work! FWIW I've installed the preview with no issues at all. Windows 7 PC. All that happened at the start was a requirement to install a more recent version of Silverlight. Did that, restarted browser (Google Chrome), Seesmic Desktop Preview 2 installed without a hitch.
Excellent post, Dan, thanks. Now I understand why I often have Skype connection issues in hotels when I travel.
neville is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Nice summary, Bernie, thanks. And thanks again for your terrific organization skills. And company for lunch on Friday :) Brendan, you've got it spot on about being straight. But I don't believe you can ever get away for long with being unethical no matter how transparent you might be about it. It just can't sustain you long term. I think you said the reason why in your last sentence. Great conversation continues, as you say, Bernie.
Toggle Commented Feb 4, 2010 on Social Conversation Matters at Inside View
1 reply
That's a terrific post, John, thanks. And Bryan's comment, too. Thanks! You nailed it precisely when you included this - "The FIR show is not just for the US communications industry, but rather for the World Wide communications industry." Exactly how I do see it.
1 reply
Many congratulations, David, and best wishes for success!
Toggle Commented Dec 14, 2009 on I'm Joining Edelman at Logic+Emotion
It's a good story, Morgan. Your UK colleagues saw an opportunity to combine a public service with agency PR in a way that was almost self-effacing. Hats off!
1 reply