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Dave Wilcox
PhD student @ UW Madison (social media+political/civic engagement). Former ad agency media strategist. Mac fanatic, music & media junkie.
Interests: media, new media technologies, hockey, photography, politics, scotch
Recent Activity
What a wonderful string of recollections, Tim. For an art director, you're a pretty good writer. And thanks for the flashback... when we were all youngsters at NH&S. I hope I can make it to Schuba's for Brad's memorial.
Brad Morgan.
See that picture? That's Bob Gassel, me, my old roomate Jay Brannigan, and the guy on the far right is Brad Morgan. We all worked at Needham, Harper and Steers back then. That's the kitchen of the apartment that me, Jay and my brother Grog lived in across from the Burwood Tap where Bad Bad Ler...
Excedrine Migraine isn;t much different from what Excedrine has always been... aspirin and caffeine. The migraine version just adds is some acetaminophen (aka Tylenol).
Best advice: buy the generics and concoct your own blend of tablets depending on circumstance. (Yeah, my partner -- a doctor -- will again disclaim any responsibility for my blather and accuse me of practicing medicine without a license.)
Bayer is spending a lot of money on radio ads promoting Bayer AM, but they don't come right out and say what it's really for. Gotta look at the web site for that.
I heard a radio spot for Bayer AM while driving home tonight. The ad promoted this new version of venerable old Bayer aspirin as a product that is "specially formulated for morning pain, to help you get a jump on your day." OK, think about that. It helps morning pain and gets you going. Hmmm.....
Hmmm. A rebate. Since the degree was granted back in 1981 (Drake's centennial year!) I'm not sure they'll be open to that idea.
Actually, I know for a fact that Drake has an excellent J-school and advertising/PR program. It is truly a fine university, despite the admissions staff's misfire.
Not every marketing campaign is a winner.
Drake University: We want prospective students to think of us as a "D+" school. Wait, that's not what we mean. Well it is, but not the way you're thinking.
We had a saying at the ad agency I worked at when it came to crappy advertising: "Behind every bad ad campaign, there is a client who approved it." Sure, it's a cop-out. Ad agencies, PR firms and marketing communication consultants go to great lengths to convince clients to approve campaigns t...
Dave Wilcox is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Nothing like scaring people into being polite. Sounds rather Orwellian.
Guns don't kill people. Morons with guns kill people.
Give the gift of security to your overly-paranoid loved one this Christmas!
I mean, honestly, what could possibly go wrong with one of these? Nothing says "I love you" more than giving someone an accident waiting to happen. Endorsed by Sarah Palin and Dick Cheney! [h/t Bob P.]
This has been a great post for traffic on Kerfuffle. Nice to see that some comments too, including the one from a woman another commenter suggested was Rusty's mom. Funny.
Good to know that most people know the difference between slander and libel, though apparently not one of you.
Here's hoping Kent Davis, President and CEO of First Capital Bank, realizes what a jerk he has for a loan officer.
Apparently, the people of Arlington TN elected their village idiot, Russell Wiseman, mayor
From the "You can't make this shit up" department of the Memphis Commercial Appeal... In the opinion of Arlington Mayor Russell Wiseman, President Barack Obama's speech on Tuesday night on the war in Afghanistan was deliberately timed to block [wait for it...] the Christian message of the "Peanu...
Hmmm. I have been thinking of dumping TypePad myself in the past week. This upgrade is anything but. I have been poking around Wordpress and think you may be going in the right direction.
Huge Blog Problems
"Upgrade." It messed up the categories, and in sorting it out, broke links to many, many posts, mostly in the "Food & Fitness" Category. Many other problems as well. We'll see how it turn out. Not a happy camper, right now. Later: Well, having now worked with WordPress over at the company blog...
We must not have been given the same upgrade. I think it is terrible! To be sure, if it worked the way it looks like it should, I would be singing its praises. But it is a train wreck. I find it really irritating that they would just drop it on users with no warning, make self-congratulatory statements about it. I sure hope they can get it fixed soon.
When people ask me which service they should use when the start their blog it's an easy answer for me. I've been using TypePad for several years and love they way that they listen to their costumers and keep making the service they provide better. Several of the changes they are rolling out in...
Thanks for the picture of Paul, Tim. I can hear him stretch out that "zeeero" as if he was sitting next to me.
I'm going to link to it from my blog. Hope that's cool.
We were both lucky to have known Paul. Really lucky.
Dave Wilcox
I lost a buddy and co-worker over the weekend, Paul Tilley. So, it's a bad time. I did a painting of Paul in early May, 2006. We were at a convention, and he was being his usual dry self letting me know how bad the Cubs were doing... Anyway, this weekend we lost a dad, a husband, a leader (the to...
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