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the mitten
girl gone sweet
Interests: right now i am into gnomes, my nikon, food not bombs, taking and making absurd videos, minatures, nerdy men, finding a new job, learning Latin, bike riding, sustainable living, scrapbooking, illustration, vegan cooking, swimming, old films, writing a novel, everything! you!
Recent Activity
This is a toss up for me, I really love the #38 the pinstripe, I think a whole blanekt of this square would be realy modern looking. Then I really love the #11 flower from the Gran Garden!
[email protected]
100 days of grannies giveaway!
I made it through 100 days of my 365 project! This is soo exciting for me and I want to share my excitement with you all with a little giveaway. One lucky reader will win my very favorite crochet hook (Susan Bates bamboo handled hook size H) and 3 skeins of I love this yarn in my favorite col...
I Love it...
Mondays can be sort of trying, can't they? My Mondays are filled with early morning Latin lessons, driving to and from Detroit, working and then late night study sessions. So I try and find little things that make the somewhat dreary and lackluster day go by faster. - green juices - raw veggies + fruit = a breakfast I don't feel ad about. - listening to my favorite music rather loudly as I cruise down 96 - how happy and well behaved my dog is after I let her run for three miles and how much better I feel. -... Continue reading
Posted Sep 27, 2010 at oh so sweet life
Five Dollar Flowers
Quite possibly the best five dollars I spent this weekend. It's been a long summer, but fall is here and I finally cut back on my hours at work, so I feel less stabby towards the world and much more lovey dovey. You want a hug? Continue reading
Posted Sep 26, 2010 at oh so sweet life
On top of the swell
Hello again. It's me the terrible, no good, can't commit blogger. (I seriously just let out a huge sigh). I've been thinking a lot this week about why I continue to pay for this space, why it is one of my homepages and why I continue to make lists about the things I want to write about, yet never actually sit and write. It's an elephant in the room. This summer has been a remarkably good one for me. I've felt closer than ever to my true self, the person, the adult I am. I've struck out on my own... Continue reading
Posted Aug 1, 2010 at oh so sweet life
The List 2010- midpoint
Just posting a little check in on my goal list for the year, six months more to go! Lose sixty pounds, completely doable and will be bringing me super close to my goal weight. Complete Project 365 and get all of the photos bound in a book. (Not gonna happen, but I still took a lot of photos !) Complete the "Twelve Months of Christmas" more on that in my next post. (Nope!) Read 12+ books. (Last Days of Dogtown, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, the first three Sookie Stackhouse books which I count as one book, ) Visit... Continue reading
Posted Jun 30, 2010 at oh so sweet life
February Monthly Mix
I'm months late but oh well here is "Love is for Fools" a mish mash of love songs I can't seem to ever get out of my mind. I listen to this a lot when I'm bike riding. 1. Stole My Heart - Little & Ashley 2. I Was Made For You - She & Him 3. Lloyd, I'm ready to be Heartbroken - Camera Obscura 4. Home - Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros 5. Die Alone - Ingrid Michaelson 6. You Are What You Love - Jenny Lewis w/ The Watson Twins 7. Fallen From The Sky -... Continue reading
Posted May 26, 2010 at oh so sweet life
A New Day
Oh excuses you are so easy to make! Like: There is never enough time in the day, or I have no idea what to talk about, or My life is boring...blah blah blah. Here is one I have been pandering around quite a bit. "I'm in a funk". WTF I say to myself, WTF! I use it as an excuse to not go to the gym. I use it as the excuse to lay in my bed till 2am watching 80s music videos and I use it most often when I think of this newborn baby blog, starving to death... Continue reading
Posted May 26, 2010 at oh so sweet life
I love this.
I love this. Continue reading
Posted May 18, 2010 at oh so sweet life
I have not forgotten this place.
I have not forgotten this place. Continue reading
Posted Mar 27, 2010 at oh so sweet life
nicci is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Things I know
1. Good coffee is as good as a cupcake. 2. Getting angry NEVER helps (I know this, but I find it hard to LIVE this). 3. Music is my boyfriend. 4. The whole advertising on personal blogs thing is off-putting. 5. Moving more than once a decade is ridiculous (this is my fifth time since 2000!!!) 6. Snoring dogs are part of the Holy Trinity of Cuteness which includes Snoring Babbies and Dreaming Cats. 7. I own too many books. 8. Productive people don't stay up till 4am watching True Blood. 9. You are never truly as cool or as... Continue reading
Posted Mar 2, 2010 at oh so sweet life
February Blues
Man, I've got a bad case of the February blues. It's either the most horrible month of S.A.D or I am just part bear and miss hibernation. All I want to do is eat, sleep and stay warm, very, very little else interests me. Well except for the Olympics, I will stay awake for them. Also crochet I like to crochet and yell at the TV "don't let her pass you!!!!" "Don't fall, don't fall, don't fall!!!!" "LANDITLANDITLANDIT!" I move in like six days! I have very little of my room packed up and ZERO desire to do any. All... Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2010 at oh so sweet life
So happy for you both!! Congrats x 1000!!!
The Clearing
I've been very shy about actually saying it out loud, but now that we've officially completed the paperwork, and done the home-study, and met all of the other requirements, I think I can tell you: Andy and I are hoping to adopt a baby girl. To say we are excited doesn't really even begin to de...
nicci added a favorite at oh so sweet life
Feb 23, 2010
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Posted Feb 22, 2010 at oh so sweet life
I think the best handmade gift I've ever recieved was...yeah I've never recieved one! I have however made some and I think the best is a set of three pillows I made for a friend with the state birds of her life (the birds of where she had lived and loved) embrodiered on them.
Handmade Marketplace + Giveaway!
I'm, triple excited to share this new book with you, The Handmade Marketplace, by Kari Chapin. One: because I illustrated and lettered the cover, as well as the book's section openers! Two (and far more important and interesting): The book really is an honest-to-goodness, exhaust...
Typepad Photo Albums HATE ME
So I decided to use Shuttercal for my Project 365 Continue reading
Posted Feb 16, 2010 at oh so sweet life
Today in as few words as possible
Sleep eluded me. The little people were well behaved. I desperately wanted a nap. Also a shower. Had coffee with mom, aunt and uncle. Bought yarn for a new crochet project, but forgot to buy my february christmas supplies. Ordered Chinese, but they discontinued making my favorite veg dish. Watched "Angels and Demons" with the fam, liked it about as much as I liked the book... Did not take a photo 365, unless pictures of yarn on my phone count (and I just decided they do). Find myself overwhelmed by the process of packing and moving. I own too much... Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2010 at oh so sweet life
January Mixtape
So ideally I'd like to actually have these mixes done before the month ends, but this one just took forever, partly because I haven't made a mix in a really, really, extraordinarily long time. I'm out of practice. I decided to set up playlists for the next six months and assign them themes so the searching would be easier as I make the mixes. The theme for January is pretty simple as it was the first month and one I'm usually suffering thru (stupid SAD) since I have very little desire to break copyright laws I am going to just... Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2010 at oh so sweet life
Let's get flossy up in here!
Listening to this: & this: Whilst messing about with all these pretties! Floss!, originally uploaded by niccimae. It's cold, windy and gloomy here, so I am trying to lift my own spirits with pretty colors, new ideas, intense gym sessions and beautiful music. Continue reading
Posted Jan 29, 2010 at oh so sweet life
I'm being naughty and writing this just before I go to bed at 3AM Wednesday morning. I wish I could say I'm up this late on a weeknight, because I was out hob knob-bing with interesting, exciting people, possibly sipping expensive drinks while talking about foreign films. Alas, this is not the case, the reality is I worked till 9:30, then went to the gym where I stayed until 12:15. By the time I had ran a few other errands (atm at bank, buying broccoli, taking a shower, starting a load of laundry and tidying up my space) it was... Continue reading
Posted Jan 27, 2010 at oh so sweet life
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Jan 27, 2010
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Jan 27, 2010
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Jan 27, 2010
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Jan 27, 2010
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