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Nicholas Howley
Recent Activity
And I'm also officially're in my Google Reader!
Gold Leaf and Chalk End Table Story
If you can believe it (and I'm not sure I can), this is my 100th post. What a milestone....who knew I had so much to say?? Anyway, onto the post. Remember how I told you on Sunday that I was learning to metal leaf, and that we would have a giveaway today? Well you are all about to learn th...
You've been Facebooked my dear
Gold Leaf and Chalk End Table Story
If you can believe it (and I'm not sure I can), this is my 100th post. What a milestone....who knew I had so much to say?? Anyway, onto the post. Remember how I told you on Sunday that I was learning to metal leaf, and that we would have a giveaway today? Well you are all about to learn th...
Awesome Beck! So the new thing I started learning last night actually was golf! Please picture me on the driving range at 9pm at night...pure comedy!
Gold Leaf and Chalk End Table Story
If you can believe it (and I'm not sure I can), this is my 100th post. What a milestone....who knew I had so much to say?? Anyway, onto the post. Remember how I told you on Sunday that I was learning to metal leaf, and that we would have a giveaway today? Well you are all about to learn th...
PS you're officially posted to my FB wall
Spring Giveaway!
It's here, it's here! The Dwelling Place Spring Giveaway! You'll notice a theme running through all of these items. They are all a little green (I guess it's my spring fever showing through) and they are all things you have seen here on this blog...Dweller inspired I suppose. So without any fur...
I'm voting for the "Cozy" since I think the tiny table and lantern would like perfect on the deck at the new apartment! Right now it's a lonely deck and I think it needs a little cozy to great guests as they arrive at my door! Plus I planned on doing herbs this spring on the railing of the deck!
Spring Giveaway!
It's here, it's here! The Dwelling Place Spring Giveaway! You'll notice a theme running through all of these items. They are all a little green (I guess it's my spring fever showing through) and they are all things you have seen here on this blog...Dweller inspired I suppose. So without any fur...
This looks like an endeavorer I will need to set up as well
Get Ready...Get Set....It's a swap!
Frankly you guys, I don't even know where to start...The swap party was just like riding a roller-coaster. I started off with a little nervous excitement, like when you are standing on the platform when you are waiting to board. I had collected quite a bit of stuff myself, and the dining room ...
This is amazing! haha
It's's here!
My first blog giveaway! I don't know if you follow any other blogs but all the cool kids blogs do giveaways/contests for their readers. Now I don't intend to make this one of those all-giveaway-all-the-time blogs (nor am I delusional enough to think this blog is in the pantheon of the super coo...
I am not even sure how you contained your rage over the theft. There would have been some serious issues at the swap shop if it was me!
The one that got away...
(Alternately titled: The most dramatic swap shop event – EVAHHH) (In the history of ever…) Really. It was a dark and stormy night (really it was a mildly overcast afternoon but don’t all really good dramatic tales start with a dark and stormy night?) and we had made our way over to the swap sh...
Nicholas Howley is now following Dweller
Feb 12, 2011
Nicholas Howley is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 12, 2011
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