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I absolutely love it, Em! Simple is always better, I think! I am trying that too...but doubt it will happen. I use way too many embellies! lol! And my goodness, you are SO pretty!! Love that photo of you on the left page! You can do it, girl!!
1 reply
Thank you, Lauren! You are always so sweet! :)
Toggle Commented Aug 10, 2013 on 29. at the little things
Thanks so much, Keri! Happy belated to you, too! :) You are too sweet! Hope you had a fantastic birthday!
Toggle Commented Aug 10, 2013 on 29. at the little things
Thanks so much, Stephanie! :) :)
Toggle Commented Jun 12, 2013 on project life. week 22. at the little things
Bahahaha! Too funny, k! :) I'll delete it! lol! Thanks so much for your kind words. Means a LOT! :) And yeah, it's all that bulk I put in and ALL those inserts really added to it, too! ha. I was hoping to get 26 weeks in each, but it ain't happenin'! ;) And yes! Get a tiny attacher stat! I don't know what I did before mine! I gone mine for 60% off and some extra staples at JoAnn's. I try not to pay full price for much of anything these days if I don't have to! ;) lol!
Toggle Commented Jun 12, 2013 on project life. week 22. at the little things
Thanks, bestie! My mom was really pleased with the Craemer page as well, which made me feel good! Love you! :)
Toggle Commented Jun 7, 2013 on project life. week 21. at the little things
Thank you Cerise! That "together" card is one of my favorites! :)
Toggle Commented Jun 7, 2013 on project life. week 21. at the little things
HI Lisa! Thanks so much! I am addicted to inserts! ;)
Toggle Commented Jun 7, 2013 on project life. week 21. at the little things
Thanks so much, bestie! :) You are so sweet!
Toggle Commented Jun 3, 2013 on my project life process. at the little things
Hi Jill! :) Yes, I do like this more than the traditional way of scrapbooking. It allows me to record a lot more for the same amount of time as I used to take thinking of a design, then doing it. Traditional scrapping required lots of "think time" for me and designing. With Project Life the design is already done and I can just create it however simple or detailed as I want. :) It just works better for me now. I don't think I will ever go back to how I used to scrap. At least not for several years! I love that I can record so much more, week to week!
Toggle Commented Jun 3, 2013 on my project life process. at the little things
Hi Jenny! Thanks so much for dropping by and for the kind words! :) I never noticed I did that little photo in each pocket, until someone else mentioned it to me not too long ago! Haha. I guess I'll always have that actual scrapbook "layout" bit in me! ;)
Toggle Commented May 28, 2013 on project life. weeks 19 & 20. at the little things
Thanks so much, Stephanie! :)
Toggle Commented May 15, 2013 on project life week 18. at the little things
Oh, Josie! So kind! I appreciate that so much!! Best compliment, really! :) Thanks for all those kind words! :)
Toggle Commented May 15, 2013 on project life week 18. at the little things
Hi Bridget! Thanks! :) I print almost all of my photos at home using iPhoto. When I go to print, it gives me the option to select the size I want and since I've been printing this way for so long, I pretty much have the sizes memorized! I don't print any photos until after I sketch my week, what photos I have and how I want to record them. That really helps with knowing what size I want each photo. Hope that helps you some! :)
Toggle Commented May 14, 2013 on project life week 18. at the little things
LOL bestie! Thank you! :) You are the sweetest. I appreciate those kind words! And yeah, I always seem to have my phone or camera with me! I don't want to miss anything and apparently I don't! hahaha! ;) Yey for getting Jack's sweet little hand painted up and printed! So great! I plan on doing this at least once a year, if not every 6 months for the boys. I think it will be so fun to look back on! Thanks again for everything! Love you!!
Toggle Commented May 14, 2013 on project life week 18. at the little things
Haha..Lauren! :) Thanks for the sweet words!
Aww thanks, Krystyn! :)
LOL! Wait. I have an accent? I didn't realize! Must just be the "Ohio" in me?! ;) It was a pretty good box! :)
Thanks Jen! :)
Thanks, Kari! :) Can you opt out some months and then pick back up again? That's a nice option, if so. :)
SO true, Danielle!! ;)
Toggle Commented Apr 25, 2013 on things i love thursday. at the little things
Well, I must go check that out! Great minds today, I think! :) I want to see this pallet art Justin is making! Gah. Jealous!
Toggle Commented Apr 25, 2013 on things i love thursday. at the little things
That's my big goal for the summer-pallet art! I have a wall in our living room that I want to fill. I need to get on it! :) Love you bestie! :)
Toggle Commented Apr 25, 2013 on things i love thursday. at the little things
Yep, Ohio! :) Small world! :) Thank you for the sweet words and for dropping by!
Toggle Commented Apr 17, 2013 on farmer grayson at the little things
Thanks so much, Emily! Appreciate that. :) Congrats on your baby girl on the way!! SOOO exciting!
Toggle Commented Jan 14, 2013 on Back To It. at the little things