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Wow! my last post was Jan 28th. Well I have just bought Avatar on blu ray dvd and after watching it for the first time since January, I'm depressed. I just completely went back to how I felt when I first watched it, amazed!!!!! I fell back in love with everything, Pandora, the characters etc. Thank God there making a sequel.
Well, back from seeing it (see previous post) and of course im depressed! I was in the biggest screen with my 2 brothers and there were about 10 others in the screen. It's just such an experience Im in love with it!!!! Pandora does exist!!
I love her! There is no one like that on Earth. No one! Theres more stars in the sky than grains of sand on a beach, somewhere like Pandora could exist! Zoe Saldana who plays Neytri is still really nice but ye ultimately, not a patch on Neytiri! Zoe & Neytiri ^
Hey guy's it's Nick again. I have now seen the film 3 times (all 3D) and am going again tomorrow. The first time was mind blowing which started the obsession, the second time was no where near as good, and i was late getting in then the 3rd time was probably better than the first. You pick up more as well as still being imersed in Pandora. Hopefully the fourth time will be just as good, it's been a good 3 weeks so i reckon it will! Thanks everyone for being here! Bring on the sequel!
I posted a message a couple of days ago if you look back saying I might go and watch Avatar for a 3rd time. I did, today. I finally started to grow out of the depression and my friend and brothers asked me to go again and of course i couldn't say no. Now I'm depressed again (The pandora effect). LOVE AVATAR!!!!! Thanks to everyone on this forum.
Don't worry Dalton. It's probably the feeling James Cameron want's the audience to feel (he did say in an interview that he hopes people would want to experience Pandora/being a Na'vi). It will pass. Try watching some of the making of Avatar like the actors in the motion capture suits. It helps.
In the same boat! Loved everything about Avatar, this world is just so boring in comparison. I fell into depression after seeing it the first time and did nothing but watch trailers, cast interviews etc for about 3 days. I wanted to be Jake! When I finally overcame the depression...i went to see it again, i just could not help myself! now im saddened yet again. Luckily I too have 2 brothers who are equally obsessed so i can talk to them. I might go see it one more time. Thanks everyone! See it in 3D, it's brilliant!!!
Exactly the same feeling! Thanks everyone! First time i went to see Avatar, i spent days watching clips and trailers over and over again. I then sunk back into reality, and decided to see it a second time (both in 3D). This of course put me right back into depression. I just love Pandora, the story and Jake & Neytiri. Now im greatfull to be alive but... this world is so boring! and we have even managed to f*** it up! Bizarrely I keep thinking, maybe in the next life! By the time i get the DVD i will be fine!....might even go a third time to see it on cinema! At least they're making 2 sequels! Can't stop watching this either!
Nick is now following AVATAR
Jan 4, 2010
Nick is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 4, 2010