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Nick Inglis
Recent Activity
So sad to be missing Virginia Beach this year. It's one of my favorite events, hopefully I'll be able to come back next year. Thank you to the organizers for putting together one of the best #SPS events out there.
Planes, Rental Cars, and SPS Virginia Beach
It’s a big night – the last time I’ll be together with my wife and all four kids for the next 2 years. Tomorrow I hit the airport early to catch a flight to Norfolk Virginia, and from there make my way over to the SharePoint Saturday Virginia Beach speaker dinner. But my college junior daughte...
Nick Inglis is now following John Mancini
Apr 1, 2010
Point number 5 seems counter intuitive to me. The knowledge workers who are doing scanning should be leaders in scanning solely, this helps ensure adherence to your point number 4. Paper should be controlled and then distributed digitally, the front line of that process should be your scanning personnel and in my opinion, it should be their day job.
8 Key Things to Consider When it Comes to Getting Paper into SharePoint
Bill Galusha is the Senior Product Marketing Manager for EMC Captiva enterprise capture solutions in the content management and archiving division of EMC. Mr. Galusha has more than 15 years experience in the document capture market and has a keen understanding of best practices for utilizing doc...
Nick Inglis is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 1, 2010
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