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This is great especially as environmental justice. The cynic in me says taxpayers are making junk mail delivery more efficient. People really should cancel their junk mail online to reduce needless truck trips in their neighborhood near families.
There goes our climate. Commit to drive electric and to go plastic free.
Genius, I'm working with my airport and airlines to get SAF, green jet fuel, used more! Join me!
Please write your school board and super to ask for no more hybrid and diesel buses..commit to electric buses!
We should ask Red Funnel and Neste not to support climate and forest wrecking palm oil. Per Wikipedia- Environmental and social issues: Palm oil Neste uses 1–2% of the world's palm oil production. In 2015, 31% of renewable raw materials used by Neste consisted of crude palm oil.[24] Since 2013, Neste uses only certified palm oil.[25] In November 2013, Neste became the world's first company to be awarded an RSPO-RED Supply Chain certificate under the RSPO's new, more demanding certification system.[26] All palm oil used by the company is certified in accordance with the ISCC, RSPO, or RSPO-RED systems.[27] In April 2013, Neste began a programme of close cooperation with The Forest Trust (TFT), a non-profit organisation focused on preventing deforestation.[28] The use of any palm oil as a feedstock has been protested by Greenpeace.[29] Neste (among others) buys palm oil from IOI Group, company allegedly responsible for illegal deforestation.[30] Neste has been a target of sustained attacks by Greenpeace, including publicity campaigns[31] where in January 2011, Neste won the less flattering Public Eye Awards, in Davos, Switzerland[32] and a parody webpage, which Neste attempted to shut down.[33][34] WIPO rejected the trademark-based complaint, since page is noncommercial, gives no economical benefit, is not misleading and the companies have to accept critics as part of the freedom of speech.[35] From July to October 2015 increased palm oil demand in Indonesia burned two million hectares of forest and peatland to fires. in October 2015 peatland carbon emissions from the fires surpassed the average daily emissions of the entire US economy. Every year tens of thousands die prematurely from respiratory illness caused by smoke from annual forest and peatland fires.[36]
"With up to a 25% increase in MPG that translates into a 20% reduction in fuel costs." Per XL website Still 75% polluting gasoline. Verizon isn't that innovative per dollar spent especially.
They could have used fully electric Nissan eNV200 or smarter vehicles. XL is also a retrofit. That might not have been mentioned.
That's almost $1,000.00 a month for the Bolt..far better to build your credit and buy your own outright.
Leave it to Cali to be the coolest..once again!
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Feb 7, 2017