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Nick Sanchez
Salt Lake City, UT
Bring it on...
Interests: learning, playing guitar, exploring, riding motorcycles, hangin' with the fam, dining out with my beautiful wife, going out to movies with said beautiful wife
Recent Activity
I'm the luckiest man in the world to be married to such a wonderful woman. Thank you Heidi for all that you do and for all that you are. You're the love of my life. It never crossed my mind that I wouldn't return home to you. It wasn't an option. I'm glad to be alive and well today to say thank you to all those who have served before me and to all those who will serve. I'm honored to be an American Veteran of Foreign War.
Toggle Commented Sep 12, 2009 on In Memory of 9.11.2001 at Focus the Lens of My Life
Nick Sanchez is now following HBPhotography
Aug 5, 2009