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They can't stand that you are in a happy, stable relationship and still successful so all they have left is to shit on u by making up lies. I understand why it must be so hard for them to process in their tiny brains that unlike all the loser, wannabes or rejects in Hollywood aka, Lohan, Kardashians or Tara u are actually the only one who gets better and better and more successful and even prettier by the years. So let them be make up their fabricated stories angel, we all know the truth don't worry.
Yet another day and another lie and made up rumor....
Yet another day and another lie and made up rumor. To set the record straight I have never tried to pitch a new TV show about an engagement and wedding. I am in the early stages of developing a show but I have been so busy with traveling and my other projects that I haven’t had time to finalize t...
They can't stand that you are in a happy, stable relationship and still successful so all they have left is to shit on u by making up lies. I understand why it must be so hard for them to process in their tiny brains that unlike all the loser, wannabes or rejects in Hollywood aka, Lohan, Kardashians or Tara u are actually the only one who gets better and better and more successful and even prettier by the years. So let them be make up their fabricated stories angel, we all know the truth don't worry.
Yet another day and another lie and made up rumor....
Yet another day and another lie and made up rumor. To set the record straight I have never tried to pitch a new TV show about an engagement and wedding. I am in the early stages of developing a show but I have been so busy with traveling and my other projects that I haven’t had time to finalize t...
They can't stand that you are in a happy, stable relationship and still successful so all they have left is to attack u by making up lies. I understand why it must be so hard for them to process in their tiny brains that unlike all the loser, wannabes or rejects in Hollywood aka, Lohan, Kardashians or Tara u are actually the only one who gets better and better and more successful and even prettier by the years. So let them be make up their fabricated stories angel, we all know the truth don't worry.
Yet another day and another lie and made up rumor....
Yet another day and another lie and made up rumor. To set the record straight I have never tried to pitch a new TV show about an engagement and wedding. I am in the early stages of developing a show but I have been so busy with traveling and my other projects that I haven’t had time to finalize t...
nick is now following Paris Hilton
Mar 22, 2010
nick is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 22, 2010
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