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Nicole Shubert
Recent Activity
Oh my gosh! at first all i saw was the name Murph and i thought the WOD was Murph and just about had a heart attack. haha. Happy Birthday Murph!
Tuesday - Happy Birthday Murph!
TUESDAY 110419 Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps Post loads to comments. Alt WOD: 21-15-9 Squat Snatch 95/65 Pull Ups Post time/load to comments.
Thanks Pebbles!!
Will be in today at 1230 for my last wod of the summer. boo! thanks to everyone at the gym for teaching me and pushing me and for making me want to keep coming back! This has been the best summer yet as far as improvement goes, and I finally started to feel like an official Crossfitter...pull-up, ripped hands, and all that other good stuff :) I'm really going to miss having a gym while I'm at school. I graduate in December (FINALLY), and I'll be back at CFNF the day after!! See you all soon!
CFNF will be closed this Saturday, August 21st to watch Bostic, Stringer, Ben, Andy, Simone and Nicole compete in the CrossFit Garage Survival of the Fittest Competition. Join us and let's cheer them to victory. MONDAY 100816 Three rounds for time of: 30 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball (10.5...
I am booked Wed - Thurs (unless we do it early morning, which I'll do) otherwise, Friday and on I am free!
Pistol visits Crossfit405 in Oklahoma City. Hq rest day. Come see what's on the board.
I am thinking about doing Survival of the Fittest...Open, of course! I'm scared!! Keep me posted with when you do the heat WODs.
Pistol visits Crossfit405 in Oklahoma City. Hq rest day. Come see what's on the board.
I think all 3 Shuberts (dre, blake and me) will be there!! Everyone from CFNF should def go!
Thanks for helping me with my kettlebells today Pebbles...I couldn't do as much weight just last week because my form was terrible! I was giving Stacy the evil eyes because she kept saying I could go heavier...she'll be happy to know she was right :)
Wednesday- CFHQ WOD............It's all indoors today!
It's great to have Aiello back in the gym! Good job to everyone at CFNF yesterday. Nice work! For time: 225 pound Back squat, 20 reps (155 for women) 40 Toes to bar 60 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood (1.5 pood for women) Josh Everett 4:18, Rob Orlando 5:18, Chris Spealler 5:33, James Hobart5:45, ...
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Jul 7, 2010
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