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Nicol Sayre
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and swoon again! x o hope you are having fun!!
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Toggle Commented May 7, 2015 on French Muse at French la Vie
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Toggle Commented May 7, 2015 on French Muse Private Brocante at French la Vie
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Oh Corey this makes my heart beautiful... so sad I cant come see it at this time of year... me allergic to lavender and AH allergic to Bees! cest la vie! xo
Toggle Commented Jul 2, 2014 on French Lavender Full Bloom at French la Vie
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such a wonderful girl... the time we spent with you and Chelsea was insightful...imaginative...lovely! xo N
Toggle Commented Apr 18, 2014 on Dinner at Chelsea's at French la Vie
1 reply
Oh Corey... so sad to hear the news... Just seeing the photo of all of us together brings back such bittersweet memories... I feel honored to have met her and witnessed her beauty and strength. RIP dear Shelley ... we'll look to the stars and know that one of them is you shining down on us.
Toggle Commented Feb 10, 2014 on In Memory of my Friend Shelley at French la Vie
1 reply
So Cool.... I can just feel what it must be like after your neighbor took us a tour of his! Love it!
Toggle Commented Jul 23, 2013 on The Basement: Underground Paris at French la Vie
1 reply
Oh so easy to be a guest when the hospitality and friendship are extended so freely. Considering we barely slept fpr talking so much I would say we had an absolutely wonderful time!! xoxo N & P
Toggle Commented May 12, 2013 on When Friends Come to Visit at French la Vie
1 reply
well ok then.. you don't have to twist my arm! I'm coming right over!! : )
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Years ago I happened upon a lovely cottage on " Pudding Pie Lane" in England and have lusted to live on such a luscious -sounding street. Alas I haven't found any such lovely and quirky street names in my part of America as of yet! xo N
1 reply
Bonjour Corey.. Thank you so much for your dedication and sharing of your life and love and Brocante!! Your writing has been a part of my morning ritual for the last 7 years! I pour myself a cup a of tea and check in to your blog to start my day off with the beauty and wit and family life that you so lovingly portray. Congratulations to you and I thank you with humble heart for enhancing my days. xoxoxo N
1 reply
Fairytale or not... the process sometimes is more important than the outcome! Or perhaps more fulfilling! Love you...miss you xoxoxox Nicol
Toggle Commented Jan 17, 2012 on January Fairytale... at ULLABENULLA
1 reply
thank you all for your lovely sentiments! xo N
Toggle Commented May 10, 2011 on The Best We Can Do! at Nicol Sayre
Hello Carola Thanks so much for all of the info on the bunnies! I just knew that I loved them and purchased them for their lovely patina... broken bits and all. and truly they are not in that great of shape but I find that it just adds to their charm. and I never paid more than 25- for any one of them. and Cynthia... thanks so much for your lovely wishes!!!
Toggle Commented May 10, 2011 on Easter Greetings! at Nicol Sayre
Thanks so much Elma! and Cynthia... the berries are the very palest pink silk velvet and yes I made them! Thanks for the good wishes!
Toggle Commented May 10, 2011 on West Coast..... East Coast! at Nicol Sayre
Hello Carola! these are bunnies that I found at the flea market...I assume they are German but none of them are marked. I just love their rustic beauty! Greetings to you and happy Easter wishes to you in Germany....xo N
Toggle Commented Apr 25, 2011 on Easter Greetings! at Nicol Sayre
Thanks so much Len for your comment!
Toggle Commented Apr 1, 2011 on The Best We Can Do! at Nicol Sayre
Thank you for all the holiday wishes!
Toggle Commented Jan 6, 2011 on Best wishes for the season! at Nicol Sayre
Thank you Mitzi!
Toggle Commented Oct 12, 2010 on Double Scoop! at Nicol Sayre
Thank you so much Carolyn for your kind comments!
Toggle Commented Sep 23, 2010 on Witches! at Nicol Sayre
Thank you Tracey , oh dearest cousin of mine! Love you all! xoxoox Nicol
Toggle Commented Apr 7, 2010 on Prims Magazine at Nicol Sayre
Thank you all for your very kind words... xo Nicol
Toggle Commented Apr 7, 2010 on Prims Magazine at Nicol Sayre
Thank you all for your very kind support! xo Nicol
Toggle Commented Apr 7, 2010 on Prims Magazine at Nicol Sayre
Thank You Dear Christine... I cant wait to be charmed by you as well in the next issue xo Nicol
Toggle Commented Apr 7, 2010 on Prims Magazine at Nicol Sayre
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Mar 15, 2010