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Recent Activity
Not only is it not working for me even though they claim to have restored it to all but 5% of members, I now cannot post anything at all. the buttons are disabled. Wankers!
How to Get the Font You Want - Tutorial
My Gods, I was able to fathom it. You see, many of us above thirty cannot see fine font. The font in the editor is uncomfortably small and there is no alternative unless one has that bloody html babble. Nevermind we who are above thirty weren't taught that stuff in school because it DID NO...
Nightbane is now following Account Deleted
Sep 5, 2010
Nightbane is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 4, 2010
Where Is Everyone?
Can someone please tell me where the member directory is? There doesn't seem to be anything about it in the Help section. There only about two dozen blogs listed in... Continue reading
Posted Sep 4, 2010 at Nightbane
Now if we can just get the buttons to not obscure the links at the bottom of the post....
How to Get the Font You Want - Tutorial
My Gods, I was able to fathom it. You see, many of us above thirty cannot see fine font. The font in the editor is uncomfortably small and there is no alternative unless one has that bloody html babble. Nevermind we who are above thirty weren't taught that stuff in school because it DID NO...
How to Get the Font You Want - Tutorial
My Gods, I was able to fathom it. You see, many of us above thirty cannot see fine font. The font in the editor is uncomfortably small and there is... Continue reading
Posted Sep 4, 2010 at Nightbane
Bloody damned fonts aren't working! Continue reading
Posted Sep 4, 2010 at Nightbane
Nightbane is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 4, 2010
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