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Nigoor Playa
Recent Activity
The way in which customer service is monitored is very simple. The businesses organise a questionnaires, comments card and they are also taking a customer feedback to find out about how good or bad their business is. These methods are very useful and helpful. Without using them it could be very hard to understand the purpose of the own business. On the information based on customers feedback the company can see what they’ve done right and what they’ve done wrong. For example, if there is in total 95% customers who is very happy about the service is provided for them... Continue reading
Posted Dec 16, 2009 at Nigoor Playa's blog
Nigoor Playa is now following Georg Coakley
Dec 11, 2009
Nigoor Playa is now following Zouber1
Dec 11, 2009
First Direct Memo To: All Staff From: Igor Matejski CC: Georg Coakley Date: 09/11/2009 Re: Customer Service What Is Customer Service? “Customer service is the service provided to customers before, during and after purchasing and using goods and services”. Good customer service give a lot of pure experience that employer is expecting but bad customer service involves complaints and bad look for the company. If the customer service is a perfectly organised, then it’s definitely going to lead to long term relationships. However, bad customer service is not providing a service that meets their needs. What Is First Direct’s Mission... Continue reading
Posted Dec 11, 2009 at Nigoor Playa's blog
How to Evaluate Customer Service?! Informal Feedback - Informal Feedback refers to asking customers questions in a non-threatening, informal manner. It could be gathered over a dinner or in a casual conversation, where the customer may feel freer to express their opinion. Other methods include watching customers as they come in and go out and making polite conversations with them. Customer Surveys & Questionnaire – Many businesses want more information then would fit on a comment card so they issue questionnaires for customers to complete. Most of time it’s only an A4 sheet with a questions and with a tiny... Continue reading
Posted Dec 11, 2009 at Nigoor Playa's blog
Hello There! My name's Igor. I'ma Year 12 student at Oxford School and this is my first blog ever! Continue reading
Posted Dec 11, 2009 at Nigoor Playa's blog
Nigoor Playa is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 11, 2009