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Scribbler, dabbler, intern wrangler; traveler, empty nester, single mama city-girl living in a small town; shipping poetry to the people and watching the boats go by.
Recent Activity
It's been tough, these weeks in isolation. Endless time alone. The same routine over and over, I feel like I'm spinning in place. No touch, no affection, no sex, not even any face-to-face conversations. There have been some walks with friends, each of us awkwardly keeping our distance. There have... Continue reading
Posted May 9, 2020 at nina turns 60
I made it to my year anniversary of not eating sugar. Or really, not overtly bingeing on sugar. There is sugar in the salad dressing that I buy. And every once in awhile I buy some packaged naan, and it has sugar in it. I've had some candied nuts that... Continue reading
Posted Mar 24, 2020 at nina turns 60
I didn't go to Texas, but I did go to California because my parents and sister were there. They were staying at a nice resort in the desert, but it was not a vacation. My parents are having a hard time resigning themselves to their limitations. I can't blame them,... Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2020 at nina turns 60
I've been setting metal type in the physical world rather than typing in the digital one, and it feels really good. The meticulous care with which one must operate to make a beautiful page (or even just a clear, easy to read page) is impressive. The feel of the type... Continue reading
Posted Feb 29, 2020 at nina turns 60
Spent the weekend with my folks. It was their 62nd anniversary. They didn't know I was coming, and they were happy at the surprise. I sometimes find it hard to be patient with them in this new iteration of themselves, these old people who have taken over where my parents... Continue reading
Posted Feb 11, 2020 at nina turns 60
I saw some coffee described as having flavor notes of Fuji apple. Not just apple, but Fuji apple. I want to know who has a palate that sensitive that they can get down to that level of specificity when they are tasting a friggin cup of coffee. I'm the biggest... Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2020 at nina turns 60
Look at the beautiful broadside sent to me by one of my favorite CCP poets, Alison C. Rollins! A sweet surprise on a day I was feeling very low. I can not recommend her book, Library of Small Catastrophes, highly enough. I spotted the manuscript in our submittable queue a... Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2020 at nina turns 60
Just read an article stating that Seattle hasn't had an official sunny day since November 30. That explains a few things. We're used to cloudy weather, of course. We live it constantly. But there are usually a couple of days of respite even in winter. With the holidays, and being... Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2020 at nina turns 60
When you're a single woman on the internet, you get a lot of attention from dudes, whether you want it or not. A fair percentage of that attention will be from married dudes. Lonely married dudes, married dudes who haven't had sex with their wives for years, married dudes who... Continue reading
Posted Jan 29, 2020 at nina turns 60
I spend a lot of time being sad. I used to feel bad about it, feel pressure to work toward feeling happy all the time, but I've learned to embrace it. It's how I am. It doesn't preclude me being joyful or grateful or resilient or a lot of other... Continue reading
Posted Jan 27, 2020 at nina turns 60
Funny how when you get thrown out of your routine by something unexpected and unwelcome, nothing seems more appealing than getting back into your usual groove, a groove you thought you were utterly bored with. Mornings are the best, with coffee and almonds that I've roasted in a cast iron... Continue reading
Posted Jan 24, 2020 at nina turns 60
Still sick. Still home. In a weird limbo, throat aching. Bored. Why do I always feel guilty for things I cannot control? Continue reading
Posted Jan 23, 2020 at nina turns 60
Home sick and frustrated because I seem to be getting sick more often than I used to. One of the main reasons I stopped eating sugar was in hopes of improving my sinuses' tendencies to be irritated, swollen and congested. It hasn't helped. Am enjoying all the other benefits of... Continue reading
Posted Jan 21, 2020 at nina turns 60
Coincidentally, a large group of bloggers who, like me, attended BlogHer in the early days have gathered on FB and are talking about blogging again. I am on trend. A bit ahead of the curve, even. Twitter did not kill us after all. Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2020 at nina turns 60
Spent the weekend in the city. I am always energized by the city, both by being there and by spending time with people that I love while I'm there. It's not my city anymore. It has changed while I've been gone and I have changed, too. In certain neighborhoods, all... Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2020 at nina turns 60
When you get a one of those holy shit medical bills because the system is fucked and so are you, you may want to turn to your plant friends. They are endlessly chill about everything, as long as they get water and sunlight. Continue reading
Posted Jan 18, 2020 at nina turns 60
I had two uplifting encounters with former interns today. One came into the Press to say hello and geek out excitedly at some new books. The other sent me a text. He said he'd been thinking of me because he'd raised a glass and said cheers around a table and... Continue reading
Posted Jan 17, 2020 at nina turns 60
Snow blowing sideways. Walking gingerly on icy patches. The wind, slamming around all night, pushing garbage cans across patios and carports, shifting vent covers, rousing me from sleep every hour or so. A warm house, baseboards ticking and clicking, a rapid beat on top of slower clangs and pops. Footprints... Continue reading
Posted Jan 16, 2020 at nina turns 60
Since I'm going old school, I'm REALLY going to go old school and list links of cool things I've seen around the web lately. I love reading about fat women who exercise and HAES (health at every size). Here's a look at the fitness industry and body positivity by Virginia... Continue reading
Posted Jan 15, 2020 at nina turns 60
AKA another plant drawing (sketch). Continue reading
Posted Jan 14, 2020 at nina turns 60
My dad got me an Instant Pot for Christmas, and I confess I do not understand it. You cannot put ingredients in it, start it up, and go to work leaving it to cook all day like a crock pot, arriving home to a delicious ready-to-go meal. Instead, in order... Continue reading
Posted Jan 13, 2020 at nina turns 60
I do and I don't want to grow up to be an old lady. It's bad enough being a middle-aged lady. As has been (and is being) amply demonstrated on the national political stage, no matter how competent, accomplished, talented, kind, funny, HUMAN you are, you won't be seen that... Continue reading
Posted Jan 12, 2020 at nina turns 60
The cravings come and go in waves like everything else. But mostly I don't have them at all anymore which surprises me. When I walk down the aisle at the grocery store I notice it smells incredibly sweet. I look over and see I am standing near the marshmallows. Have... Continue reading
Posted Jan 10, 2020 at nina turns 60
A woman from my writing group in Portland just got a book deal. I'm thrilled for her and not surprised. I've had the honor of reading parts of the manuscript in workshop with her. Many of the women in this group have had work published; they've won prizes. They are... Continue reading
Posted Jan 9, 2020 at nina turns 60